Chapter Twenty-Six - Part One

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A sharp wind streamed across the hilly expanse; the dark gray heraldry snapped and furled. Snarls and agitated growls swept through a small group of Elaborathin; a dispute soon broke out between two of the creatures. Vínmorr stepped out from a dusty-cobalt tent, glancing to the dusk-painted citadel in the distance.

He the soldiers under his authority – those of the first cohort – as he made his way toward the higher-ranking officers. Striding across the grassy earth, he felt his body hum in anticipation of the coming battle.


He cringed inwardly as Prochk called his name.

"Kherr Shamma. Kherr Prochk" The Elandhin saluted the legionary commanders. "What news?"

"The Narenthian forces are few; they plan to divert us long enough to save the weaklings that now flee to the southern capital."

"Their rothnash and younglings fled two days ago," Shamma interjected. "They bear many burdens. It'll be easy enough to track and slaughter every one of them."

"Our source was delayed in reporting these facts. I suspect treachery may be afoot."

Movv Khaia strode toward the small group. Tension filled Vínmorr's body.

"We shall learn soon enough, where Raava's loyalties lie. Once we take the keep, the scales of war shall tip in our favor."

"We intend to divide our forces?"

Khaia glanced at Vínmorr.

"Our main objective is to overtake the keep. However, based upon the details relayed by the informant, it will be no trouble for us to send a small force after those who have fled. The remainder of our soldiers shall take Filne-Semmit. We've already notified Shechk Grimmann of these plans. He will send a portion of his legion to hinder the escapees."

The Elandhin nodded, awaiting his orders.

"You, trustworthy Vínmorr, have been entrusted with the task of obtaining a particular item. Raava insists that he is working on locating and confiscating said item. You must simply ensure that we take possession of the prize."

The Elandhin clenched his jaw.

"And what of the raava?"

Movv Khaia smiled.

"If he survives, we shall test his fealty. But, of course, any number of tragedies may befall him; don't concern yourself over much with his safety."

"As you command, Movv Khaia."

*                        *                        *

Edileth's heart pounded. Fear coursed through her veins and, although she felt a need to flee, she found that she could not move. Her body quivered, struggling from the torrent of thoughts and emotions that surged within.

"Don't worry; it will be okay." Joenek's words came quietly, his breath hot upon her neck.

What am I doing?

The rothnak wondered why she had allowed Joenek to enter her chambers, once more. The roth who typically showed such spontaneity and folly had somehow seemed so wise in her eyes. He had assured her that his only desire was to comfort her.

Yet now she lay in the roth's embrace, allowing him such privileges as should only be given her spouse. His hands explored her body, and she found that she did not have the strength to resist him.

*                        *                       *

"Ediles, are you quite alright?"

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