Chapter Twenty-Two - Part Three

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At last, Celik sighed and turned to face Edileth again. He took half a step, paused, and then crossed the short distance between them. The roth sat upon the bench at an angle, to face her better. He leaned forward and inhaled as though about to speak. After a slight hesitation, Celik finally broke the silence.

"I imagine you are worried over what happened earlier and wondering what you forced upon me by mistake. I also suspect you will feel distress when you are made aware of how much I know. Yet, I feel it would be a disservice to you if I were not fully honest."

Celik paused, looking out to the darkened landscape. He then shifted his gaze to rest on the rothnak, once more. She swallowed, ducking her head as if to deflect what Celik was about to tell her.

"I know what transpired after last eve's council. I will freely admit my surprise upon learning what Joenek had done. I am more than a little dismayed by his behavior toward you."

Something in his tone made Edileth glance up at the roth. Celik was leaning forward with his elbow resting upon his knee. He rubbed his forehead, as though to ease a headache. A lengthy sigh was released as he tilted his head back to gaze at the countless stars which had appeared in the darkening sky. Finally, he turned back to Edileth.

"But I speak no more on the matter. My final words are these: Although you are an extraordinary, capable elf, there will come a time when you may need protection and aid. When that time comes, you need but call upon me, and I will do everything in my power to provide such things."

Taken aback, Edileth shifted and looked away from the Kenim Naduhl. She felt warmth flood her face; she could not fathom the roth's kindness.

"Why?" Her voice came out as a whisper.

"What's that?" Celik leaned closer.

Again, Edileth found herself shifting to her right, ever so slightly. She cleared her throat, before repeating her question.

"W-why are you so kind to me?"

Edileth peeked at the roth from the corner of her eye. He cocked his head, studying her. After a moment, the faintest of smiles crept onto his face, and he tilted his head downward.

"It isn't me, Edileth. It is everyone; Torben, Yena, Rikku...we all care about you, though I will admit to feeling very protective of you. I suspect that is because, in some small way, you remind me of my sister."

Edileth flinched. It was the first time she had heard anything so personal about the Kenim Naduhl. He had divulged little enough about himself, and the only other information she had concerning the roth had come from the gossiping lips of infatuated maidens.

The she-elf looked to Celik. He was looking in her direction, though not at her. His line of sight went just beyond where she sat, into the small hills past the city's eastern walls. He seemed to notice her watching him, and the roth shifted his gaze the slightest bit so that he looked into her eyes.

"You have a sister?"

Celik gave a sad smile and nodded.

"I do; although I've not seen her for ten summers."

"Did...something happen?" Edileth almost dreaded the answer but felt she must ask.

"Mmm." Celik grunted a confirmation. "I became part of the Kenim Naduhlni."

"'s true?"


"I heard tell that the Kenim Naduhlni must cut themselves off from their family and never wed."

"Hmm. While it is not required, many of us do choose such a life. It is far simpler – when one considers the dangers that the Kenim Nadhulna face – to remain distant from family. Of course, it also helps us focus on Feridh and whatever task is before us, without distraction.

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