Chapter Fifteen - Part Two

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Jich looked at each of them with cold eyes, almost the colour of onyx. He seemed exceptionally tall; his wiry form accentuating his height.

"You hail from Calgoneth and Calgorath, eh?"

Joenek was surprised at the deep, rumbling voice that emanated from the elf.

"Indeed, we do. Chaos had befallen us, as I'm sure you can tell by Fendrith, there."

Torben gestured toward Marrik, who – though standing – was being supported on either side by Celik and Arun, a small beading of sweat upon his brow.

"In fact, we really must set to loading him up, that we may be on our way."

"Oh? And where will you be going?"

"We heard tell that many refugees are taking the High Road from Filne-Semmit to Villelle en Orv Lorrlen. We hope to meet my brother in Filne-Semmit and make the journey to the great city of the Southern Region."

Torben had rattled off the information so perfectly that Joenek almost felt he could believe the hannorim, despite knowing that much of what he had said was false.

The glowering elf stared at Torben for a moment, before nodding his head. He seemed to have accepted the story as truth.

"Then I insist as that you join our numbers. We, too, make fer Filne-Semmit and the roads be a might dangerous these days. There is strength in numbers, and I shouldn't like to think of you on yer own; 'specially with one of you bein' wounded an' all. We've only some small things to finish an' we'll be on our way."

"What a fine offer...may I call you Jich? Yes? Ah, what a fine offer from a fine elf such as yourself, Jich. Indeed, we shall certainly accept."

With a curt nod, Jich stepped away and moved to help one of his companions. Not once had the half-scowl left his face, and his eyes still held no hint of kindness. Joenek thought him even colder of countenance than Edileth.

The Ferlians moved with haste, attaching the disguised litter to the equally disguised Lupak. After making sure that Marrik was settled comfortably on the litter, Torben moved to speak with Jich, once more.

As he did so, a young elvish lad inched toward the Ferlians. His gaze was one of open curiosity. A small portion of his blonde hair had been chopped short, so that it covered his brow and hung into his eyes. The rest of his locks had been pulled back into what had, at one time, been an intricate braid, but was now a knotted mess that hung nearly to the middle of his back. His eyes were a blue so deep that they very nearly appeared violet.

Joenek smiled and moved toward the young elf.

"What's your name?"

The young male shifted back a bit, before glancing up at Joenek.

"Haven't got one. Everyone just calls me Sheem."

"Sheem, huh? Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Aemic, but Enári over there calls me all sorts of things; I'll answer to most anything."

Sheem glanced at Edileth, before averting his gaze.

"You don't need to be frightened of us, you know. We're really friendly; all but Enári, of course."

Joenek gave a hearty pat on the quiet elf's back.

"I've gotta go; need to finish getting ready."

With one long gaze in the direction of Marrik and the Lupak, Sheem scampered off.

At some form of signal, everyone began making for the entrance of the stables. As the Ferlians stepped out into the gradually brightening morning, Jich – now mounted upon a solid-black horse – began speaking.

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