Chapter Twenty-Four - Part Two

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Joenek was surprised by the flurry of action within the large chamber. Elves were running hither and thither, many coming and going from the room with notes and reports. The roth noted that the remainder of his companions were already gathered about Torbedhnik, who stood near the center of the chamber. As the four elves strode into the room, the ancient hannorim waved them over.

"Scouts have spotted Ackheron's forces on the provincial borders of Filne-Semmit. They estimate their numbers to be close to two legions. It is assumed that they mean to attack this keep. We have two days to prepare; three if Feridh so chooses to bless us."

Rikku let loose an exclamation of distress. Joenek glanced toward the rothnak and saw Marrik place a reassuring hand upon her shoulder. Looking to Torbedhnik, Marrik asked the same question that was on Joenek's mind.

"What is to be done?"

The elder roth leaned his head back and sighed, as if the mere thought of what was to come had exhausted him. Returning his gaze to Marrik, the hannorim replied.

"Lord Rettinne plans to send the refugees to Villelle en Orv Lorrlen. Preparations are being made for their departure, as we speak. Joining them will be the children, many of the rothnash and servants, as well as a small number of soldiers to guide and protect them."

"And what of us?" Celik was stoic as ever.

"Would that you could remain and help delay the enemy; that those fleeing may arrive safely at the southern palace. However, that is your decision to make."

Torbedhnik looked to each of the elves before him.

A heaviness weighed upon Joenek's shoulders, and the gravity of Torbedhnik's request permeated the small group of elves. With somber expressions, each elf considered the cost of staying.

"Filne-Semmit shall receive my aid, such as it is. So long as I have breath in my body, I shall not waver from protecting elven-kind from the evils of the Dark One."

Joenek nearly grimaced as he heard Celik's proclamation of devotion. He glanced to the Kenim Naduhl and found agitation bristling within him. His irritation turned to jealousy when he saw Edileth gazing at the roth with admiration.

"Aye, ye shall 'ave my sword in dis comin' battle."

"Mine, too." Joenek spoke with a boldness he was far from feeling.

The roth looked to Edileth, willing her to return his gaze. The blonde glanced at him in surprise. She seemed to study him then, searching his face. Her expression softened into one Joenek had never seen from the rothnak. Were it anyone other than Edileth, he would have called it compassion. He wondered what she was thinking.

The rest of the elves chimed their desire to help in the battle to come.

"What of the Hibh en Gredhe? It cannot stay here."

A dark cloud seemed to settle over Torbedhnik. His brows furrowed, and the elder elf pinched his nose in the manner he often did when pondering.

"Wouldst thou take it, then, Marrik?"

The scholar gave a low bow, looking quite surprised by the suggestion.

"It was not my intent to suggest that I take the Orb, Min-Ilven. This lowly elf merely wished to know that it would be protected from the evils of Akkheron. I fall far short of the strength to perform such an important task."

"Then fear not, Marrik-Híen. The Orb's safety has been ensured; it shall remain here for a time, locked away in a secret chamber until the proper moment."

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