Chapter Twenty-Five - Part One

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Edileth was startled out of her slumber. She lay still, trying to discern what it was that had woken her so abruptly. It came again, a gentle rapping upon the door to her chambers.

Who has come at this early hour?

The rothnak slipped out of bed, glancing to the dark window. The slightest bit of light had started to appear on the horizon, but there was not yet enough to brighten the sky.

Perhaps there has been more ill news.

Edileth fretted as she shifted into a garment that would cover her nightgown. Padding across the cold, stone floor, the blonde extended her níadh. Her stomach lurched, and her heartbeat hastened.

As the door swung inward, she peaked out into the darkened hall. Joenek had just turned and started walking away. When he heard the latch of the door, the roth had paused. He glanced back at Edileth, and she felt her body give a nervous shiver. Joenek grinned.

"What is it? Has something happened?"

Edileth whispered, too afraid that her speaking voice would betray her apprehension.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just..."

Edileth tilted her head. Joenek cleared his throat as he took a couple steps to stand before her.


"I wanted to see you."

The rothnak's pulse raced, as Joenek lifted his hand to her face. He leaned in, as if to kiss her. Edileth tucked her head, and the roth smirked.

"Playing coy, eh?" Joenek took hold of her hand and gave it a gentle tug. "Follow me."

"Why? Where are we going?"

A slight sense of panic stirred within Edileth. Joenek grabbed her other hand and drew the blonde toward him. He shuffled backwards, pulling her along and laughing quietly.

"Just come here."

When Edileth finally started to follow, Joenek released one of her hands and walked beside her. The roth looped her arm in his and nudged her.

"Isn't this much nicer? You just need to trust me."

Edielth was still uncertain but followed without complaint. They wound through a few halls, all of them empty. The she-elf thought it odd that the keep was so quiet, considering the peril that drew ever closer. Before she had a chance to comment on the matter, Joenek stopped before a small-ish door.

"I found this yesterday, after we left the Tactics Chambers for lunch. I became a little lost and stumbled upon this...and I thought you might like it."

He reached for the latch and slipped in through the entrance. When she chose not to follow, he poked his head through the doorway.

"Aren't you coming?"

Edileth squinted, trying to decide whether she should trust the roth. He beckoned for her to follow, a mischievous grin playing on his face. Sighing, the rothnak moved toward the door. After glancing down the hall, she finally crossed the threshold.

Once inside, Edileth blinked, trying to see in the darkened chamber. A golden glow caught her attention. Glancing to her right, she saw Joenek holding a candle. His usual crooked grin was in place as he reached up and lit a small lantern near the low ceiling.

Every space along the walls of the round-ish room was full of books. A small gasp of delight escaped Edileth's lips, and she looked back to the roth.

"I told you you'd like it."

He moved to the center of the small chamber, where a simple settee sat. Joenek lowered himself onto the piece of furniture and patted the spot next to him.

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