Chapter Four - Part One

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Joenek strode along what was called the Canopy Inner with the blonde following in proximity. He had heard her companion – whose name, he learned, was Thandorin – refer to her as 'Captain'. However, she had yet to divulge any information about herself.

When he had continued refusing to relinquish the orb to her, requesting they visit Arun to clear up any misunderstandings, she scoffed and snatched the bag from his hands. She then demanded he take her to Repind. Joenek had thought to refuse, but decided La'el's much-loved delegate would set the captain straight and he wanted to see her pride quashed. Thandorin stayed behind, arranging for a healer to help the injured member of their party.

As Joenek and the Captain moved past the more elaborate tree homes, he glanced over his shoulder at her.

She's certainly cold enough to be a militant leader.

Though she could have been attractive, the way she carried herself hardened her features and gave her a distant appearance. She walked at a brisk clip; her movements were rigid. She was alert, scanning the surrounding area and noting every detail.

At last, they arrived at the dwelling.

The door opened and the Captain brushed past Joenek to salute the man behind it. Repind was a male elf – roth, in their tongue – aged and dressed in golden-green robes.

"My good sir, Repind, I apologize for arriving without appointment. There is a predicament in need of a solution, and I thought you the best to resolve it."

Repind bowed and gestured for the two to enter his home. "Welcome, Edileth. And how are you this fine day, Joenek?"

"You know her?"

Edileth shot him a scathing look; her eyes narrowed. "You should have gathered that when I requested to meet with him." Returning her gaze to Repind, she continued. "I'm afraid the day is not so lovely as you believe. Two of my rothni and I just dispatched three elaborathin who were terrorizing the citizens."

"Truly?' Repind's features clouded over and his eyes shifted toward the small window next to the entrance. "Has anyone else been notified? Have we verified they were alone? How did they slip past the Eb-dae?"

"I cannot answer those questions with certainty. However, I imagine it will not take long for word to reach those in authority. What I do know is they came here for a purpose. And it is for this reason I seek your aid."

"They have come for you?"

"Not me, but rather for what I am in possession of. I believe Lord Veshmón sent word of my arrival and a request for accommodation this evening." Repind nodded and Edileth gestured toward Joenek. "Now I'm afraid I require help of a different sort. This fool has accused me of theft, and has seen fit to attach himself like a leech, searching for answers which I am not permitted to give. It is fortunate for him that I have no desire to cause further disturbance in your quaint town. Otherwise, he would now be lying beside the elaborathin."

Joenek did not doubt she meant what she said. He allowed his mouth to droop into an exaggerated grimace of disgust as he imagined himself sprawled out beside the bloodied corpses.

Repind, however, laughed and placed his hand upon Joenek's shoulder. "Is what she speaks true?"

"I know she took it from Arun. Maybe he gave it to her, maybe he didn't. But Arun said it shouldn't fall into the wrong hands."

Edileth released one short bark of laughter. "I'd like to know why that blacksmith is sharing so much information with the likes of you. You're but an apprenticing ranger, by the looks of you; not a very good one if your earlier actions are anything to go by."

Joenek clenched his fists. He stood a little straighter. Where did this captain come from, that she felt compelled to dismiss him, his town, his closest friend?

"Edileth has been known to be a bit brusque." Repind glanced between the two. "But come, let us resolve this matter amiably. Joenek, rest assured, she has been given authority to take the item. The notice I received stated she would accept a parcel from Arun and she was to be protected during her stay. It is time you leave her to her task, and go about yours. If I'm not mistaken, you've an important assessment in two days' time. "

"I'm not leaving until I get some answers."

Silence hung in the air. When Repind had recovered from his surprise, he spoke. "What manner of questions do you have?"

Joenek shifted his focus to Edileth. "This 'Gredhe', what is it exactly?"

"It is no concern of yours," she snapped.

Joenek returned his gaze to Repind. "Three days ago, I met with an elf who gave me an orb to give to Arun. Since then, I have had as many nightmares, all of them about some sort of monster attacking me. Call me mad, but the timing seems too precise to be a coincidence."

Edileth nearly knocked Joenek over as she shoved his shoulder and forced him to face her. "He gave the Gredhe to you?"

Repind stepped between them and lifted his hands. "Let us all remain calm."

"How could Arun allow him to receive the Gredhe?"

"I'm sure he had his reasons. Now, I would like to hear more about these dreams."

Edileth sighed and crossed her arms. Repind looked to Joenek and gestured for him to continue.

"I know what you're wondering." Joenek massaged the back of his neck. "And it's true; they are more than dreams."

"Yes, I suspected as much." Repind rested his thumb against his jaw and tapped his lips with two fingers. After a long pause, he spoke again. "You say the visions have been increasing since you were given the orb?"

"They have. And they're...different."

"Different, how?"

"Have you ever known me to tell you about beasts haunting my visions?"

Repind smiled. "Fair point. It would seem Feridh has set His own plan in motion. I believe you should join Edileth."


Joenek and Edileth's responses rang through the small entrance-hall simultaneously.

"I cannot force this upon you, Joenek, son of Vaern. But I would ask you to consider the opportunity presented you. It is one of uncertainty. If you choose this path, you will endure trials. There is also a high likelihood things far worse than elaborathin may pursue you. You may not live to see your next summer.

"Yet this I can assure you: the future of Gael-Narenth – nay, all of Naine Mithale – will be affected by what becomes of the Gredhe. If you choose to aid Edileth in this task, you will be part of something far greater than you can imagine."

Repind stared directly into Joenek's eyes. The weight of his gaze pressed down on Joenek.

"What would you choose?"

Though he had been taken aback by Repind's words, Joenek had made his decision readily. He had long grown bored of La'el and wanted to see what the rest of the country had to offer. Now he had an excuse to leave.

Even if it does mean I'll be stuck with an arrogant rothnak.

He grinned at the sudden image of Edileth as an elaborathin. He envisioned her charging after him, her long hair whipping behind her like a banner in a stiff gust of wind. He shook the mental image from his mind. "I will go with Edileth."

Her groan was punctuated by an upward gesture of her hands. She stormed out; the door closed behind her with a thwak.

Repind suppressed a grin and returned his attention to Joenek. "She still has much to learn. But I assure you, despite her prickly exterior, she has a tender heart, and she possesses a deep concern for others."

Joenek gave Repind a sideways glance, but the older elf smiled. "Go, lad. Pack what belongings you may need. You've about one month's journey ahead of you if all goes well. And you may choose to prepare yourself mentally. You will need patience in dealing with Edileth."

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