Chapter Twenty-Three - Part Two

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The moment Torben's fingers brushed the edges, a blinding light flashed outward from the Tomes. Edileth yelped, ducking down, and shielding her eyes. She heard shouts from Celik and Joenek, presumably reacting to the brilliance in a similar manner.

With caution, Edileth uncovered her eyes and blinked a few times until her vision cleared. Torben lay flat on his back. His hand gripped the Tomes with a strength so fierce, his arm quivered from the effort. A glowing blue mist enveloped the Tomes. Much like the ebb and flow of the ocean's waves, the mist seemed to creep up Torben's arm.

The vapor continued in this fashion until it had reached the hannorim's shoulder. At that point, the mist seemed to 'spill' over; it quickly moved down his body, covering his torso and each limb. Again, the mist moved in a way that was akin to water. As it reached Torben's feet, it 'splashed' upward, back toward his torso.

Edileth was so entranced by the eddies of vapor that she nearly forgot to determine whether Torben was unharmed. Shaking herself from her daze, the blonde crawled to Torben's body.

Celik had responded quicker and stooped over him. The Kenim Naduhl placed a hand upon Torben and immediately pulled away with an exclamation of surprise. He shook his hand and then felt the tips of his fingers with his thumb.

Edileth suspected the Kenim Naduhl had experienced a similar sensation to the one Fíthna Raemille had felt when she touched the Tomes. The rothnak pondered the situation for a moment. She decided, in the end, that she would likely be able to touch Torben without experiencing any adverse effects. As she stretched her hand toward the hannorim's shoulder, the mist rose to meet it.

Thank you, Edileth, Edelár Híen.


Edielth gasped as she heard his voice within her mind.

The blue vapor moved away from her hand, drawing close to the Torben's body, once more. It began swirling in a tight, spiraling pattern. Once the mist had condensed itself into a small ball, it moved to hover over his head. There, it settled over his face and slowly dissipated into it.

After the last of the vapor disappeared, Torben took a large breath and opened his eyes. His gaze darted about until it rested on Edileth. A smile crept onto his face.

"Thou art brimming with veiled gifts, Híen."

Edileth blinked. It was Torben who spoke to her, but there was a noticeable change in him. He used the speech of the court; uncommon outside official matters. So, too, was his appearance altered. There was a deeper wisdom in his eyes, and a greater sorrow there, as well. Edileth felt as though she knelt before a different elf, altogether.

At that moment, Yena and Sheem burst into the hall, apprehension in their features. They scanned the large room, glancing from face to face. When Yena saw her husband splayed upon the stone floor she gasped in dismay and rushed to him.

"Torben, my love, what has happened?"

She knelt and rested a hand upon the hannorim's cheek. Torben shifted into a sitting position, taking Yena's hand in his own, and giving it a gentle pat.

"I am yet unharmed, ri melénn."

Torben moved to pick himself up. Edileth took hold of his arm – intending to help him stand – and felt the same buzzing sensation that had come from the Tomes. Surprised, she looked between the hannorim and the book in his hand. Once Torben was standing, he brushed off his clothing and glanced to Edileth.

"Thou art not the only one with secrets, daughter of Nía. Now, come; I suspect this shall be a lengthy and mostly sleepless eve."

Torben looped his arm about Yena's, his other cradling the Tomes. He then moved past Joenek, Celik, and Sheem. Edileth moved forward and walked beside Sheem. Celik and Joenek positioned themselves on either side of the two blondes.

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