Chapter Three - Part One

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Yelps and growls, snapping teeth, thick, matted fur falling in tufts; a fight broke out among the lerecht again. Vínmorr cued one of the less-temperamental of his stock and the tawny male circled the other two with a snarl, effectively putting an end to the altercation. A groaning exhale came from the black lerecht to Vínmorr's  right.

"Not impressed by the younglings, Shígra?"

She snorted, as if in response. The timing of her sighs and head-tilts had always been a source of amusement to Vínmorr.

A howling bay rose some distance down the mountain. Shígra stood, her hackles raised, and a growl emanated from her chest. Vínmorr scowled.

He patted her shoulder and leapt onto her back. Together, they made their way down the mountainside, where they were greeted by excited barks and yaps.

Near the mountain's base, Kherr Prochk sat astride a large sorrel horse. He nodded upon seeing Vínmorr. "A fine greeting, that. Can't you teach your beasts the difference between friend and foe? My mount nearly threw me, 'til I was able to bring him back under control."

"'Lerecht are very territorial creatures," Vínmorr replied. "And I would be hard-pressed to introduce every leading dignitary to my pack. What news have you? I'm sure you did not come on personal matters, Kherr Prochk."

"Movv Khaia has received orders from Akkheron, himself. We're moving our forces, at last."

"Promising news, indeed. But what does that have to do with me? I've already delivered nearly fifteen hundred lerecht. All that remains of my pack are the pups and breeding stock."

"Oh, don't be so modest. Your abilities are most impressive."

Vínmorr crossed his arms. "I'm only a humble lerecht master. I don't see how that will provide much aid to Akkheron. Surely he has others more skilled to help him conquer Naine Mithale."

"That's not what I refer to, you fool. Much as you like to play the ill-bred outcast, Movv Khaia knows of your lineage. He wants you to lead a shekk into Gael-Narenth."

"I don't suppose I can refuse."

"Don't be daft. This is a momentous opportunity for you. You'll be handsomely rewarded once we accomplish our mission."

"And what exactly would I do with all those riches? Build myself a grand palace? Fill it with all assortment of harlots, as you do?"

Prochk grinned, unoffended by Vínmorr's words. After all, with a high-ranking father and himself Khillem's military commander, surely he had heard much worse.

"You don't know what you're missing, my friend. Ah, the pleasures of a she-elf! Even better when you send them on their merry way after the deed is done – much less hassle. I tell you; I can easily supply you with a female to lighten your dull mood. Why don't you accept my help, instead of spending all your time with these ugly beasts?"

"The lerecht don't ask senseless questions. You really think any of your whores would be interested in me? Judging by your talk, they'd take one look and devote themselves to chastity. Not that I could be bothered with them, anyway; my studies keep me too busy."

"Oh, your studies. Bah! Merely an excuse to deprive yourself of the pleasures of this life. It's wonder enough you're able to read; why add to your strife?" Kherr Prochk shifted his weight; the creaking of saddle leather accompanied his movement. "Perhaps you'd prefer a female of your own kind? I think I heard of some female elandhin in Shamma's region..."

"Enough; I don't need to get entangled with some wench. When does Movv Khaia wish to meet?"

Kherr Prochk rested his wrist upon the elaborate pommel of his notably unsullied saddle. "Perhaps you will yet see reason. And I'll make certain to find you the finest female for your first encounter. As for Movv Khaia, he's waiting for you now. He's staying at the tavern in Chírek."

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