Chapter Twenty-Three - Part Three

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"Elders of the Order of Feridh, fellow Ferlians, friends," Torben began after rising from his seat. "You have been gathered in this place to bolster your courage, your hope, yea, e'en your faith. Feridh is merciful and He has chosen this time to unveil the mysteries of the petulant child born of malice and contempt. I stand before you – having, hitherto recent events, been unaware of my own circumstances – a whole elf; the completed form of the roth you knew as Torben. I now offer introduction – which is much past its due – to you, O, Seekers of Truth. Before you, outlandish though it may seem, is the very one whose knowledge you seek. I am Torbedhnik."

Exclamations of disbelief filled the small chamber. Each elf looked from one to another, as if to confirm that the others had heard the same preposterous speech. Fíth Brodhen started to stand, then – having changed his mind – sank back into his seat. The ginger-haired roth smoothed his robes, allowing his hands to rest on the moss-coloured fabric. He cleared his throat before finally speaking.

"Surely, thou dost not expect us to believe such nonsense. That would make you some five thousand summers. It is impossible."

"Five thousand, four hundred, twenty-eight summers, to be precise. Pray, tell, what is impossible for Feridh? What, in Naine Mithale and all the heavens, could possibly prevent Him from doing whatever He chooses."

Brodhen shifted in discomfort. He seemed to be struggling with whether he should believe what he was being told. Edileth wondered if the Elder also regretted his harsh treatment of the hannorim.

"How...could such a thing be possible?" Fíth Yenish nigh stammered.

Torben had moved a short distance around the circle of elves as he had revealed his identity, and now made his way back to his seat. As he passed Yena, he paused and laid a hand upon her head. She looked up at her husband with just as much wonder as the rest of the elves gathered.

"How, indeed..." The hannorim sat down and looked to each of those within the room. After sweeping over all the elves' faces, his gaze returned to Edileth, who sat almost directly across from him.

She shifted under his scrutiny. She had never felt uncomfortable around Torben; something truly had changed about him. Edileth found that she could not meet his intent gaze. After his eyes lingered on her for another moment, they glided to another place, releasing Edileth from their depths.

"There are countless mysteries in this world, many of which we shan't ever have the answers to. To-night, however, there is one such secret which requires an unveiling."

Edileth found her pulse racing. She stared down at the table, wishing she were anywhere but in the meeting-chamber. Edileth took a deep breath, forcing herself to exhale slowly. Even so, she heard the quivering sound of her breath.


She jumped at the sound of her name. Feeling the pressure of tears swelling in her eyes, Edileth fought the urge to flee. She clenched her hands into fists, feeling the dull ache as her nails dug into the flesh of her palms.

"You held the book containing my writings, did you not?"

"I did." Her voice cracked as she barely whispered the two words.

"Tell me, Híen, what did you sense?"

Edileth glanced up at the hannorim in anguish. She was surprised to see a sad smile in his features as he tilted his head. The rothnak stared at the hannorim in puzzlement. He seemed to sigh, before pressing on with his questioning.

"You seemed to have a theory concerning the Tomes and my lack of self-awareness. Pray, share your thoughts on the matter. I should greatly like to hear them."

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