Chapter Twenty - Part Two

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Near mid-day, the elves caught their first sight of Filne-Semmit. After leaving the Fdhellin Plains, the land had grown gradually hilly, slowly rising higher in elevation. Now, at last – after making their way up a steep incline of switchbacks – they had reached the height of the largest hills and saw the city sprawled out before them.

It was not exceptionally large, as cities go, but had an impressive appearance – especially when Joenek compared it to La'el and Gallimna. Beyond the vast expanses of farmland stood a low wall covered in trailing vines. Over this, various buildings could be seen; elegant in design and appearing to lack any defensive structure.

However, it was the wall of pale blue stone and the citadel beyond it that truly captured Joenek's attention and admiration. It was the cynosure of Filne-Semmit, indeed of nearly the whole of the Western Region – being surpassed only by Rimmár Villelle in the forest of Dhredán.

While it was not immensely expansive laterally, the keep had been built to a great height. Frabjous, spiraling towers seemed to defy the laws of gravity, jutting into the sky above like so many arrows piercing the cerulean cloaks of Akkheron's advisors.

"It's quite the spectacle, eh?" Marrik glanced at Joenek with a small smile.

"Uh...yah; it's...I've never seen anything like it. The only times I left Vel Siron were for training in the mountains to the northwest. We usually only saw a few small villages on those trips."

"Then you are seeing all manner of new sights."

Joenek nodded, eyes still glued to the citadel of Filne-Semmit.

"I remember when I first came to Gael-Narenth. It was all so different from what I had known; so full of life and wonder. I thought I had passed from this world and entered into the heavens."

Joenek looked to Marrik. His face was slightly clouded, as dark memories flooded his thoughts. When the scholar realized that he was being watched, the roth shrugged.

"Oh, hadn't you heard? I was born in Shikkresh, quite near the Villaearan Ocean, on the northern edge of Si-ol."

Joenek flinched. Marrik nodded his head in understanding.

"That's the typical reaction. I was met with hatred everywhere I went; until one day, Torben found me attempting to steal scraps from one of the bakeries in Rialle. I was only a boy of thirteen summers, then. Suddenly someone stood behind me, and I heard a strong voice asking the baker, 'Tell me, good sir, what is your finest bread?'

"I was so startled I nearly jumped out of my skin. I decided to wait and pretend to be looking for just the right thing, until the roth left. However, after purchasing two of the freshest loaves, the elf looked around, as if frustrated. As his eyes landed upon me, he smiled and said, 'You there, lad, might you help me. I'm in quite the predicament, you see; I've gone and bought too much. I don't want such good bread to go to waste. Please do me the honor of taking one of these.'

"And then Torben took me to his own home, introduced me to Yena, and taught me about Feridh. I have been a member of the Ferlian Order for six summers now – one must have at least seventeen summers to be in The Order – and continue to visit Torben and Yena whenever I can."

Joenek took in all that Marrik had told him. After a moment, he turned to the scholar with a wide grin.

"If Torben likes you, then you must be a pretty good roth. I don't care where you lived or what you did in the past. You're here now, and that's what counts, right?"

"Thank you." Marrik stretched his arm out and grasped Joenek's shoulder. "I should like to count you among my friends."

"Count away...I don't mind being one of your friends."

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