Chapter Twenty-Seven - Part Two

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Author's note: This chapter has been published ahead of others temporarily, due to entry in a contest. If you have completed all available chapters prior to this, I highly recommend waiting until the gap chapters have been posted, for the best reading experience. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The oleadh traveled well into the night, aided by the light of the nearly-full moon. Celik had led the pursuit to track down the Si-olians – enlisting the aid of a few well-trained scouts. Having come upon the Elaborathin forces somewhere near the middle of the night, the Narenthians paused at a fair distance to regroup and form a strategy.

After much deliberation, it was decided that it would be best for the Narenthians to attack the Elaborathin and lerecht while they still had the advantage of surprise. Much debate had risen concerning the dangers of nigthtime warfare. However, Rore-lellin had helped put these concerns to rest.

The oleadh had assured the elves, through Torbedhnik, that his kin possessed a keen eyesight that was unhindered by the night. As long as they had the light of the moon, the oleadh would have no difficulty seeing their surroundings.

In addition, Rore-lellin explained that the coat of an oleadh reacts to the phase of the moon in such a way that – when the moon is full – an oleadh can traverse virtually unseen. Many elves had expressed great approval at the moon's current phase.

Though the Si-olian forces were nearly double that of the Narenthians who had left the mountains, the oleadh felt certain of victory. Edileth had a sense they were not revealing the entirety of their abilities. The thought was equal parts intriguing and frightening.

Rimm, the elf in charge of the soldiers of Filne-Semmit, had ordered everyone to eat while the plans were made. Now – after having been given their orders – the elves gathered their supplies once more and mounted the oleadh.

As Edileth sat upon Virrélinam, she took a steadying breath, trying not to think over-much of the chaos to come. The oleadh sensed her unease.

Fear not, Edelár. The victory is ours.

How can you be so certain?

Virrélinam did not answer, but the mind-speaker sensed amusement coming from him. Now she felt certain that the oleadh were hiding something.

Moving silently over the grasslands, the oleadh charged into the center of the Si-olian forces. Growls of dismay and shrieks of agony erupted throughout the camp. The Narenthians swung their weapons from their places upon the backs of the oleadh, slicing and stabbing and smashing the enemy in whatever way they were able. The oleadh tucked their heads, ensnaring the bestial half-elves in their antlers and tossing them to the side, or trampling them underfoot.

The advantage of surprise gave the Narenthians a boost of confidence. Yet, it was not long before the lerecht rose to meet them. The canine-like beasts leapt into the fray, snapping at the heels of the oleadh, and pouncing upon the elves riding them.

For what seemed an eternity, bedlam broke loose and Edileth could hardly keep up with the flurry of attackers. Then – just as suddenly as the Elaborathin and lerecht had risen to meet the attack – the Si-olian forces stopped fighting and stood as if in a daze.

Edileth could feel currents of hannolle in the very air. Her body gave an odd little shiver, and the blonde felt her heart pound with something akin to excitement. The Narenthians stared in shock for a moment, not quite understanding what had happened, nor what they ought to do.

Now is your chance, Edelár. My kin shall keep them stupefied, but it shan't last long; attack while they are yet hindered.

Leaping from Virrélinam's back, Edileth swung her sword at one of the lerecht closest to her. It slumped to the earth, barely releasing a sound. As she heard the other elves around her begin felling the enemy, a sense of horror washed over the mind-speaker. Her body trembled, and she nearly lost hold of her sword.

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