Chapter Thirteen - Part Two

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"Why you travelling with such a strange beast?"

Edileth whirled around, only to collide with the strange boy.

"You!" She snatched his arm and pulled him along beside her. "Who are you?"

"Sheem's what they call me." He nodded toward Jich's elves.

"They call you after a mix-breed hound?"

Sheem shrugged. Edileth pursed her lips and glared.

"What are you?" she asked. "What do you want?"

'What are you?'

Edileth yelped, her fingers digging deeper into the boy's arm. With widened eyes, she fixed her gaze upon Sheem. Though his arm must ache, he showed no outward signs of discomfort.

'I know you can mind-speak; your níadh is powerful – very powerful. Why don't you answer?'

Edileth's body shook. It was not from the biting wind.

"Enári?" Marrik's voice broke into her thoughts. "You are well?"

"Quite." Her voice sounded strangled. She then lowered her tone so only Sheem would hear her. "What game do you play at?"

'Mind-speaking is more private.'

"That is not an option."

'Then I ain't answering your questions.'

"Don't be so impertinent."

'You're drawing attention.'

Edileth turned and found that Marrik was studying her. His head was tilted to the side and one brow was lifted. "You certain you are well? Seems you're talking to yourself."

"Yes, yes, it's not uncommon." She paused, glancing to the boy. Returning her gaze to Marrik, Edileth continued. "You are well on your own for a moment? I must needs speak with Benorelt."

"So long as you aren't speaking to thin air, I shall be fine."

Ignoring Marrik's jest, Edileth dragged Sheem away from the hannolled creature and litter. Despite her efforts to keep her expression neutral, she felt a frown forming on her face, and her brows were lowered in a fierce glare. She was not pleased with her options, but Celik was the only one to whom she could present such a predicament.

As they neared the Kenim Naduhl, Edileth called to him. "Benorelt."


Edileth turned a withering gaze on the boy.

"Trouble?" Celik moved to stand beside her. He glanced at Sheem but kept his focus on Edileth. His hand brushed against her shoulder in a display of affection.

'I should think so,' replied Sheem. 'Neither of you is in love with the other.'

Celik tensed, the full weight of his hand pressing against Edileth's shoulder, as if to draw her away from the strange boy. She felt an odd shift in her mind and somehow, she knew that Celik now had access to her thoughts, as well. Edileth heard Sheem's laughter in her mind.

'Yes, I can mind-speak. I ain't as powerful as Edileth, but I'm decent enough. I can act as relay for us three, so no one else listens in on our conversation.'

"I don't trust you and I've no desire for you to root around in my mind."

'Seems to me like you haven't had no training.'

"It seems to me that you never learnt proper grammar. Perhaps, you should delve into a book or two, rather than intrude on the minds of others."

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