Chapter Twelve - Part One

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Heavy and constricting, a thick, grey haze surrounded Joenek. He sensed nothing beneath his feet, nor could he feel his own body. No sound reached his ears and there did not seem to be any distinguishable source of light. Nothing existed but the unending, ever-shifting grey.

Gradually, the haze began shifting in odd, swirling patterns until it was swept away and Joenek beheld a dimly lit room.

Edileth stood before him; her hair was loose and pulled over one shoulder. Tears filled her eyes, pooling over and leaving little trails of moisture down her cheeks. A dull ache pulsated in Joenek's chest. For reasons he could not comprehend, a sense of shame washed over him.

As he reached for Edileth, the grey haze returned. It moved as a slow wave, gaining speed as it neared Joenek. His hand was nearly upon Edileth's shoulder when the mist darted toward her and spiraled around her body. She was soon swallowed in the mist.

Now, Joenek found that he stood in a wooded area. The lighting was like that of mid-morning. Bits of sky could be seen through the tree branches, a blissful shade of blue.

In an explosion of sound, Joenek heard birds chirping and the subtle roar of a waterfall. Beneath the overlying cacophony, there came a quiet sobbing. He turned this way and that, trying to discern where the crying came from.

At first, he thought he heard the sound from directly behind him. However, as Joenek turned, the weeping moved – sounding to his right and seeming distant. He turned again and darted toward the noise. Joenek pushed through brush and wove about countless tree trunks until he felt certain he was nearly upon the one who cried.

Yet, when he skirted the undergrowth, the sobbing ceased, and he saw no one. Just as he thought to return the way he had come, a striking elf made her way toward him with silent steps. Her rich, mahogany hair hung in lengthy waves down to her knees. Her eyes were the colour of emeralds; her skin was a flawless shade of alabaster. The rothnak's satin gown was of a deep green that nearly matched her eyes. Golden-coloured voile was draped across the scooped neckline, serving as an elegant accent.

Her eyes held Joenek immobile, draining him of any thoughts of moving. She continued her measured, seductive pace until she stood before him. For a long moment, she stared at him, a small smile decreasing the thickness of her lips. Then she took Joenek's hand in one of hers and laid her other hand upon it.

She wore a silver ring upon her middle finger. Its band was wide – while still possessing a delicate quality – and bore an unusual symbol.

Two spiraling lines rested against one another with their 'tails' extending past the circular portions and arching downward. Under these were three hollow circles. One was in the center, beneath the place where the two spirals joined. The other two rested – one each – under the curved 'tails'.

The rothnak removed the ring from her finger and held it in the palm of her hand. As she did so, her hand – which had looked youthful – was replaced by a gnarled and grimy one. Joenek flinched and looked up. He stared at the rothnak that had accosted him in La'el.

With a smile that revealed her stained teeth, she lifted the ring, holding it between her thumb and forefinger. After staring at Joenek, she returned her gaze to the ring. When Joenek had followed suit, he felt the rothnak take one final step, closing the small distance between them.

Pressing her body against his, the rothnak slipped her hand – and the ring it held – into one of the pockets in Joenek's breeches. The moment she had done this, the rothnak vanished. So, too, had the wooded scene.

Joenek stood in the grey mist, once more. He found that he now held the ring in the palm of his hand.

Cackling laughter tore through the space. The strange creature that had attacked Edileth leapt from the ever-shifting haze. It charged Joenek.

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