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"The magic of fire is a power none can explain"

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"The magic of fire is a power none can explain"


The young Queen Arabella walks alongside her brother Grayson and she holds his hand, not wanting to let go of her brother, not after she just lost them. She did not even know the reason why they died nor who or what killed them as she did not know that it was Luna, her very own friend that did that. However, she knew none of that. "I cannot believe this, I will make this right. You can go back home, and live your lives" Arabella tells her older brother. The guilt washing over her and almost suffocating her flames, still they brightly live.

She might not know the reason why her brothers were killed, but knew it had to be for her. Making the guilt unbearable for her brothers did not live their lives like normal men for they had to take care of her and then they fell into a fate that she would not wish upon anyone. Even if it means that she would never see them again, she would do it, let them have their happy lives. She has already found hers, so why should they not be able to? Jaxon clearly in love for the first time.

"Queen Arabella" Thalia says as she goes over to Arabella and bows in front of her. "Yes, you can rise" The fire eyed girl speaks to the woman still bowing before her. "Am I free to speak my mind?" She asks, standing up with her head down at the ground. "Of course, you are my friend, you can speak however you like" Arabella tells her, confused at why she is bowing before. She is the Queen yet still not used to the fact that people bow before her and will seek her approval of things. All of this is of course new to her and she is not used to it.

"Before we shall see the King, I wish to make you look more beautiful in his eyes. I suggest to bathe and clothe you" Thalia says to her and Arabella thinks for a moment. It has been a long time since she had bathed, with everything going on and he dying a couple of times. "Yes, of course" She then speaks. She wants to look perfect in his eyes, she wants to impress him. Thalia and Arabella leave the twin brothers standing there, forgetting about them for a moment as they head for her bedroom.

"When do you think I will be wed him?" Arabella asks. Knowing her love already has a wife that unfortunately cannot die and she would never marry a man that is wed to another woman, as much as it does pain her. "I would say rather soon as he does love you and you love him. There is nothing greater than love. Well, perhaps you, my Queen" Thalia tells her as they walk up the stairs. "You can call me by my name" Arabella tells her. She might not be used to being a Queen, yet she would never want her friends calling her that, even if her friends do serve her.

They reach the bedroom and both of them are remembering the bad things that took place in there, knowing that something terrible always happens. And the pain that followed behind those things. "You can sit here, while I shall run the bath" Thalia tells her and walks into the bathing room. Her fire eyes look over the room, seeing the room that she has seen before, and it is as if she sees the pain that she used to feel the last time she was there.

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