Chapter twelve: Guide Or Flee?

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The mother was brought out of her train of thoughts when the male adult putted his hand on her shoulder, making her jump from the small jump scare and previous encounter. She was talking with the other older human in the room, while the children was running in circles around the tall alien in the same space.

Of course the alien was not at their full height, since they are so tall, it is impossible for them to be able to get to the roof without almost bending halfway to fit in the small human space, totally not made for their species to live in.

Since all of the had happened so fast, nobody could really have registered that easily the whole situation. The only problem now, is when would the huge thong hit earth? We are meaning that the thing is as big has our human moon, how in the world would we fight off something like that?

In the meantime, the tv was still ragging on about an huge thing that looks like an alive being that was coming way to close to be normal for any kind of meteor in the whole registration of the scientists of the NASA known to the world.

The world is in an "uh-oh" situation right about now. We would never know how the world would end, but now we do, the huge thing in the sky would kill the whole planet, living nothing alive ever again, leaving the earth to go back to dust once more. Just like the first time it was born. Destroying everything with it, leaving nothing but a dark memory of the world that was and now is no more.

But now, back to the tv, th thing had suddenly gained colors, full of grey and black on the screen, before gaining the colorful taints the creature or thing that was seen the sky, in the space of the earth, the solar system of milky ways, from how huge the thing was. The thing, was round and blue, with these huge dripping-like tentacles that seemed to be bringing the scars and the breathable death air to earth. These tentacles where purple, a light, yet really dark purple, looking like it was dripping from pretty much every angle of its body, seeming to be from all its round face.

The four ovals that was in the things face where two deferent colors, the look-alike top colors where orange, an deep rich orange, looking like it was glairing at one particular thing that was hiding on earth, while the bottom was a light and glowing yellow that was hiding something. The beast was terrifying.

The alien almost blanched at the sight in the tv, in the camera that shown the beast that destroyed their own livable, peaceful planet, their home. The alien, terrified yet mad at the beast for following them, was promising the earth, to protect them from this misery, this hell that the beast was calling upon them, even if, they have to die in the process.

The kids didn't know what to do, but only watch the alien, unmoving. They were all scared, they should be terrified, the tv said that the whole town, were they lived had to start the evacuation. Even thought that would bring nothing has if there was ever to be an impact, nothing from the earth would survive.

The tv was turned off, warning the kids that the mother was going to have a serious talk with all of them. She then started "look, tall whatever you are, you need to go with me, I could hide you at work. She took a deep breath before continuing, a lot of people are at danger and we want to help you, however we can". The alien only shook their head, to mention it was the worse idea in the whole universe.

Not only would the humans be terrified, but it would warn the thing that it was indeed in this planet, the beast was looking for the last survivor, now was not the moment to meet the thing, later yes, but now would cause the end of the world we know. The mother understated told the outer being that she worked with the animals, she was used to helping other species, which means that she will help them.

The only thing is, that she would need to find an extremely good and important excuse to tell her superiors so that, she could stay home and help the distressed being in front of her. To say, it will be the first time she would be able to help an extraterrestrial being coming from somewhere else than earth.

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