Chapter twenty-five: The Cube Is Here?!?

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The father of the older child that was called Rick was questioning himself, how and why is his friend alive? That very day, he saw his best friend die in the fight that had happened in-between the two hidden facility's that was trying to win a new place to hide. They were trying to hide from the seeing eye and they had lost a great friend that day, and yet here he is, intact, alive and breathing. How in the world was he alive?

Then he remembered, he only ran away from the scene, not looking back, that's what his friend told him. he told him to run and hide, to run and cower, to survive for him. He remembered that his friend as been shot in the stomach area, he surly couldn't survive without help, but who helped him? That place was hidden too, the small smile was present on the face of Clay. He didn't bother listening to facts, he was just glad that his friend didn't actually die in the fight.

There was still one thing that wasn't answered to him, how did he get help, how in the world did he get back to health? There was that one question that he couldn't really answer to, since it is so weird. It was an hidden and abandoned facility. Where in the world did he get the help? Then it hit him, he was one of the best leaders and the best medic emergency. He acted as the medic in field and the leader at the same time.

The other being that was hiding behind the legs of the tall human like creature that was wearing a mask and had the rest of their face hidden by blue hair. For a human they were quite tall, they reached the aliens first set of shoulders, which is their lower pack of arms. The height was unmeasurable without knowing the actual height of the creature in front of them. There is yet questions to be answered and so much little time.

The human look alike was talking in a foreign language with the outer being, that was making the two confused, as the accent was almost human like, even though they used a deferent type of talk, it was rather similar to English, yet not. There isn't much that can be answered but let's get back to the story.

The two were talking about the things that are going on, the smaller one of the two beasts was hiding the truth of the fall of them, they already know but they couldn't say anything to them for now. They had to discover that by themselves and they knew that too. The duo was talking together and the tall one was questioning the presence of the small child and the being that wasn't supposed to be alive.

The said being was somehow separated from the cube of life, making them alive for the time being, they had questions too. The tall creature was indeed still a child to their species age. In human translation they were much more older, yet they were still a teen, a child. The two that had finished their conversation and the couple that had reunited at once.

The blue headed creature told Starslay that the cube was right in this room, making the tall being hold a hand to their non faced head. They were surprised to see that the cube was indeed present and seemed to have become a little smaller over time. The cube seemed to be loosing its will to stay solid and was slowly becoming more and more transparent over time that passed.

The kids were curious as to what the cube was, them being children started to ask billions of questions. There was a new voice, seeming to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at once, that made all the humans stop talking among each other. They were scared yet curious of the voice that was anew to the ones that was present in the room. But in a way, Starslay wasn't that scared of the voice, they seemed rather intrigued by it, wanting to know more about the history that was going on. It was still going to be a real, true part of their own history, the truth behind there own creation.

Their creator started to speak, their voiced seemed a little glitching, as if the voice was losing and gaining energy to be heard. The voice couldn't be identified as a male or female. It was the true voice of an asexual being, a being with no gender.

The being started to explain what it could do, what it could give ":; there is a magical thing, that cannot be stopped by the world, that is called creation. That very creation is by exemple, you, humans having a child. But by any means, we, including the mates, doesn't bear a gender. We are not male, nor female. That is what you call, asexual. A being that doesn't or thinks that they have no genders. The cube acts as a mother bearing the child, in you're world. The only deference is that the creation of them doesn't cause pain, and they are in limited count.;:"

The being stopped talking, or if they were even speaking at all to them, they only answered a question to the human world, so that they knew that the aliens couldn't, nor think of even being able to create life by themselves. They had so many rules so that the ecosystem wasn't destroyed. So that the cycle goes on and on without troubles.

The creature was so happy to have completed half of their mission to the promise that they had made to the king and queen, that they will bring back the cube, they still had a lot to do. They had to make sure that the best won't take it away again, all in the while that they won't lose it and that it will go back to their original place in the galaxy.

The alien walked to the cube as the others didn't notice, they were still talking to the being that was suddenly here, somehow alive. They had so many questions about the univers to ask to them, the small unknown child noticed that the tall creature was walking to the cube. The said polygon responded by flooding the room with light.

The talk was interrupted by the light that had come suddenly from the cube that was in the room, the alien was close to it. The humans though that the creature would just die right here and there, but the light faded away as quickly as it arrived.

The alien was now fully healed from their injury's from being in the underground with the humans that wanted to harvest the power for their own good. The alien was rather pleased to know that they fully back to health and that their power was now fully charged. The alien felt something going on in their power space.

Their was a sudden glow for the Hinkly that was in a sort of subspace. They remembered one thing, that they had perished trying to protect their mentor. They didn't know why they were still holding the same body or memory's. They wondered why they didn't join the elders to be real, they just felt like years had passed, because it indeed did. Sudden light was seen for the small being that was tall for a child that was around ten years old in human age.

The alien was freaking out, their student was there, yet they were unconscious. The group was surprised by a yell coming from the alien ":Little Brisslebeat!:" The alien ran to the small thing that was now on the floor, if they could cry out of joy, they would right at this moment.

Rick remembered that face, it was the small child that had died in the war, that was their student, he was hiding a small smile from the rest of the people, he didn't want them to know that he had heard more of the story.

They now started on a plan that would not only stop what was going on outside, but what was supposed to be ended for far to long, this is two wars that should have been ended. It as been brewing in the endless mind of space and time for much to long. The end of two wars was going to come, but first, they had to come up with a plan that will not fail them. A plan that not be corrupted, that plan had to need so much work, they need to be able to predict a lot of thing happening at the same time.

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