Chapter thirteen: The Watcher

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The team was now getting into place, of course before they could, they had to review their plan to succeed at once. The battle was now becoming more and more close, they cannot give up now. Since they had to memorize the plan, being the clowns they were chosen to revise the simple transcription of it.

They had to wait and make sure that the visitor was in the treehouse before beginning the extraction of it. Then they had to make sure that the outer being was all isolated to be able to get it without driving into trouble while the removal was going on. After all of that, they have to be able to trap, hit, and disable the stranger to be able to bring it back.

Everybody had to make sure that they stayed alive for the examinations. After all of that, it is to be able to bring that creature to a lack of mental state, to then bring it into the extraction van, that will be waiting outside of the line they made for themselves. The weaponry they had were one and calming ammo to make the being go below.

They now had to get the right quantity of ammo to get the alien for good this time. They will not be defeated by the kids this time. Since they had to pack up, the people had to do much more to be ready. They had to get the van ready and sound so that the alien may never disappear.

The new partners were preparing the van until the boss had come to visit the unit that had to do the most important mission in their entire business under his wing. The boss that had to be dead for a long time, he was thought dead by the community. Yet, here he is, still alive and working underground, he is getting quite the deed.

He had been doing this for years now, their mother wasn't proud of their profession. but they constantly had rebelled together. They had never left the underground in a long time, but the younger brother had to get to the surface. He did become a part of the NASA team, for the good of his team.

The company's boss was quite pleased and was fearful of their defeat at the same time, they will only have one shot on this occasion. The world will be at peace for them, they would be admitted this time, instead of being used as a tool in war.

The only cost, serve in the battle for one final time before they all collapse, before the council finds them, they will make them fall. They will be the ones to conquer, that is what they are reciting themselves even though they are all dying to make it to the point. they are too much far into this to give up now.

The crew as now revised the plan again, to the point where it is already daybreak, the start of a new day, the children were all sleeping, just like the whole city. That will make it much easier to get past, everyone dreaming, but they had to rush, time is ticking, no one can stop that horologe, called life.

That clock, never stops to anyone, even the most robust beast cannot avoid the thing that is called time and space. Even the immortal has an era, where they will be left to extinction, to dust, the living gets everyone and everything. Nothing can last to age. Not even the universe can escape it.

The team was now getting ready to pack up the extraction van to be able to capture the beast whiteout it escaping from the said space. The world will shortly be their own to control, at least, a little part of the world, that is what the chief told all of them. But anyway, they had the truck ready and going.

The only thing that was left was to revise the abrupt plan that they had gotten ready for the extraction. That is, if they didn't forget it again, that would make the boss so mad at them, that this would be their last breath on earth.

The NASA team, without their supervisor, was noticing a rising activity spike in the zone of the other team's territory. To notice that they were seeming to get ready for something terrible to the earth and the population. Of course, being under the government, they had to warn the superiors about the curse that will soon fall on them.

The NASA had already a bad run in the past with the court and the superiors that it wasn't taken seriously, to that, the world was going to pay for its mistake. The wrong team was going to get an advantage over the silent war, making the tables turn in their favor, to conquer the whole world.

The units were getting ready, one for the attack, the other as a defense to survive to the said attack from the other one. To this, was closed the first chapter of the prophecy that no one knew of. That there was going to be the destruction of a familiar world, making them come to new grounds. To then, only get more wars started, or continued in this scenario.

Those wars will come to an end once the stars aligned with the future and past day, to the future, and to the lost memories of the one that was misremembered. The tribe that had saved the one that still lives up to now, that tribe would help the poor souls on the right path, even if they were refused the first time.

That will bring peace to all of them, the wars of these two will stop, no more jeopardizing the ones that don't belong in this conflict that wasn't supposed to breathe. That battle was their own not the one of the smaller planet.

To that, the NASA team had to get back to their base to get back to work again. They were not even provided the time to explain why they were here or the warning that they had for the whole planet that they live in. Soon, there will be nothing left for all of them, getting the war to never end.

No one will avoid this time, the battle is upon us, that will stay until the planet dies. They had to prevent it, even though they couldn't do anything but watch as it all unfolds in front of their eyes. At least, they tried their best to warn the world about the upcoming conflict. But it is time for them to take a break and watch everything befall.

The other side of the thousands of feet aboveground, was where the guest didn't feel right, nothing felt right now. Something other than the beast was coming up, to not scare the kids, even more, the alien hid it all. They ended by playing it off, must be a storm coming or something that would scare the poor kids from sleeping, they need it.

It must be weird though, that you need to sleep most of the day when you could be using that time to protect the young or old. To protect the ones that cannot defend themselves. Yet, here they are, watching over children that need sleep, while on their planet the beasts didn't take time to sleep, at least to their knowledge of them.

there are still so many to discover, they were all evolving, that was making the planet interesting all the time, the monsters in their world, changing from time to time. That was one of the things that made the queen so happy about Quanta-4. The constant change in their face and food chain.

Nothing was the same all the time, the world in evolution all the time, beasts in the sand that suddenly walks on the sand, only to return to their previous state, for survival. On this planet, it was stationary, not much change, they were not that hunted by the other beasts, that seemed to be the missing thing that makes them stay what they are.

Yet, they made a promise to the kids. Protect their world, until they get back their own. Of course, there will be a connection between the two worlds so that they are not left behind, has a forgotten memory. They are a friend of the one that is trying to save the four worlds. They will get the mission done. Even if they have to die for that, even if they have to suffer.

The team was getting ready to head out to the location of the extraction since they had everything ready for the visitor. The said thing was wondering why the gut feeling only got worse over time. That is if you don't count the huge thing that was in space, waiting for the right time to attack this world, to find what they are looking for.

It is looking for the last survivor of the strike is made. The last Stalgamate alive from the big fall, the only being that can undo what the beast had done. The beast had to prevent all of that happening, but could it keep it up?

The view from above is mostly water and green territory, not much is there to see, that is what is stopping the beast from easily finding the outer being, compared to their old world. Since it is all something that you cannot escape easily, the whole world needed to get ready.

Nothing was said, nor heard by the world, if you don't count the news, only making the world freak out more and more from the wrong things that were said on the screen. The only sound left, was screaming and chaos. As the world we know was brought to an end.

I am still waiting for you all to arrive, and so, I am stalling for some time to be able to get everyone together...

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