Chapter eighteen: Heart, Core, Bloody-minded

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The alien was still running away from the last position it was at, trying to get away from the group that hurt them. There was the sound of footsteps, the reporter still following the said beast in the woods.

The creature had easily outrun the human that held a camera way to big for their poor arm to hold. The outer being seemed to nod in the camera again, before making the human sit and took the camera. They gently put it on the floor before patting the human on the head with their lower set of arms.

Being in their crouched position yet too tall for the human to see, the reporter was terrified. The alien heard footsteps, getting up and running again, leaving a confused human behind. The reporter closed the camera before leaving, lifting a hand to their head only to feel were the alien's hand was before.

The end of the news was announced and the world was left at an unknown point, the humans that were friends with the creature were now scared, even more for their wellbeing, even if it as been not long, they were all friends now.

The outer being continued to run in the woods, before meeting an old point, the small beach where they had first landed. The beast was confused now, was that close to the treehouse or did they run too far away now?

The only thing that they could do now was to continue forward even though they were confused, they continued unaware that it was the same place where the first mate had landed. They traveled on the sand, at a fast pace as they were listening for any kind of noise from the forest.

They lost it, good now they just had to hide for a little while, to be sure that the team was not looking for them. The alien was surprised to notice that there was an escape pod in front of them.

They got in to notice that this one seemed to hold more things and looked acidproof, for a mate of the liquid planet to reside in. As they walked in, they noticed a lot of blueprints, too many to count. The beast was looking around the small escape pod, before noticing that the screen was dead, well there is no knowing who was in here now, they walked out of the pod.

Once they were out, the sound of footsteps was heard by the receptors of the tall creature, they started to run again in the opposite direction. A little time after the whole running thing, the beast slowed down before hearing a gunshot, moving out of the way, only to be surprised by another one that they couldn't dodge in time.

They were it in the stomach, looking down to notice that the bullet was stopped by the clothes that they wear, those clothes were made of an unbreakable fiber and alloy that was much more strong than most of the metals of the universe, only extremely strong acid can burn the clothing made by the Orangantmates. They thought of everything, didn't they?

The creature was confused by that action before being shot in the neck with something longer than a bullet, they felt a little dizzy, before starting to run a little more. They were wondering why they were dizzy though, they held onto a tree for support before being shot again in the leg, making more goo-like-blood flow out of the wound, making the alien collapse, unable to move from the thing that was in their neck.

They were now captured by the bad team, the only thing that couldn't happen to them did, they are now in bad hands, this is going to end badly. Even though they were unable to move, they were conscious of the whole way to the underground base, only being able to see a bag due to them having a bag made of tissue on their head.

There is so much that a person can take before falling under, from the amount of goo, and the tranquilizer that was in effect had put the creature into a black screen. For them it was death and so, the alien accepted the message from the elders above, it was their time now.

The alien somehow woke up again, to notice that they were in a cage. Once they got themselves up, they were greeted by the sound of metal moving on metal, looking up they noticed a small thing that looks like on of the old cameras they used when they were a few Neos old. Those things were toys for the children, why did they have a child's toy? They remembered that this species wasn't that advanced compared to their own race.
To that mental comment, they sat still on the ground, waiting for the bad guys to come get them. They slowly became more and more bored as the time went away, even though for them it was just a few milliseconds. They seemed to be getting restless, trying to get up in the room that was way to small for the such tall being that was captive inside it. They gave up on the idea of being able to stand straight in that small room that was holding them in one place with no sign of escape for them.
They made the pack of tools that they had appear out of thin air and they started to look around for something to modify. 
Their faceless head landed in the way of te camera, now thinking about it, how do they see? Well to answer that question they may not have a face but they are able to see heat, cold and at times they can see colors. It always depends on the race of the mate. A Stalgamate can see colors, while the Orangatmate sees cold, the Cristalamates sees with echolocation and the Mysticlamates sees with heat. It is impressive but lets not bother on that more than it needs to be.
The alien reached for the camera, pulling on it, breaking the contact for the team. The crew couldn't see the outer being anymore, it was ripped off of the place that it used to be. The unit was getting ready to fight the beast as they though that the being was trying to make a break for it. On the other side, the being was happily modifying the small thing that used to be a kids toy in their world. They were a little more advanced compared to the humans. To be truth-full, they were way much behind. The aliens did the robots for fun as kids, but after a few Neos, they grew up and gave up on that to be at their station for the rest of their life's. It is their cycle after all, and destroying it would bring the end of the worlds we know, that is what happened the first time they revolted. The hero of this story wasn't even born in that war or that time, and so, they do not know about that war.
The team was getting ready for a war with the being in the cage, they were ready to kill it since they though that they meant harm. They didn't know that they were just fooling around, waiting for the time to pass and them to get in the weird meeting that the soldiers talked about. The outer being was just trying to kill time whilst enduring the defeat of being a little hurt.
The being was only doing there own thing in the corner of the cell that was further away from the door. They modified the camera while waiting, only to hear a bang outside of the door, scared, the being tried to make themselves smaller in the corner of the room. Only for that door to open with an resonating slam.

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