Chapter twenty: Hurt

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The being was now being brought to the place of the meeting of the boss. They were putted on the floor, as the footsteps from the other side of the door could be heard. The alien decided that they had waited for way to long and burned their chains with the last drops of blood that was falling.

Once they were unchained, they shot straight up to only start to run again, trying to be careful of their multiple wounds. They didn't make it far away before hearing the sound of a big gunshot was resonating in the room, they fell onto the ground.

They were confused onto why the couldn't move at all, before gaining their senses again and sitting up. Once they were sat on the ground, more chains were brought up to them. They dragged their upper left hand behind their neck, on the back of their neck.

There was the feeling of something dripping for a few seconds before stopping, they were confused. How could they have been shot there if they were running at a jogging pace, that was marathon running to humans. They were now trying to not hurt it further by keeping their hand there, trying to stop the small pain coming from that wound.

That pain was way worse than the one on the lower right arm, still being covered by the lower left arm. The only arm that they had left was the upper right hand, the one that wasn't hurt or being used to stop a wound from hurting that is.

They slowly got their head up to see that the person that shoot them seemed to be a person that was respected by the other soldiers it seems. Could this person be their boss? Is it even human? That human was unlike anything that they had seen in the house of the kids.

The human had a scar on their left eye, and that eye seemed to be blind, the other eye was brown. He had military cut brown hair. The male was wearing something that seemed tactical for a soldier and yet comfortable so that it allows him to move more freely.

The human was strapping back a gun that seems to belong to the hip of their uniform. The beast was now giving their full attention to the man, as a guy that wore the soldiers clothes came to his side. The alien remembered him! He was the one that the NASA team was looking for, they posted images of him on the news saying that he was a wanted men.

They didn't hear the introduction that the two was giving them, as they were deep into though. That was until they were hit on the good arm they had left, they were giving the attention back to the guy that was in front of them.

They were now waiting for the said being to start their pep talk that seemed to be a bit dumb since they were now revealing their 'evil' plan to the being that could still escape the facility. To that they started to talk and talk, they didn't seem to ever stop, it will take awhile then...

On the surface, the father of Rick had a brilliant idea, he got up and ran to work. He only noticed that the shop was closed and wasn't open in a while, the shop was destroyed! When did that happen, they will never know, construction employees always seems to like to destroy things instead of building them.

He called all of their workers, to get an 'hangout' with them, that was their way of saying work. Even though the team was a little mad at him, they were not that much since they though that he was now married to another women after so many years of staying alone. But that was not the fact, he was talking with an alien and trying to protect the world, not get married.

He told about everything, why lie to them now? They had to know a day or the other, they were mad to not be in this thing but it was for the best since the government would have taken control of all the operations and make it be a kill the alien instead of help them.

They worked on trying to track the alien that was sadly forced to listen to the man that was playing dumb and telling all of their plan to the being in front of them. They were now getting ready to put the thing in the cell once again.

Once the alien was inside the cage, they got a call from the computer? How in the world did that even happen in the first place? No matter, they answered, only for that call to be weird and static filled the screen. They must be far, far away for that to happen, so they are underground!

The call ended a few seconds after, leaving the poor bored being in the dark once more, they were now ready to be 'killed for the first part of the evil plan' of the man, like really? Would you respect a evil madman that tells their plan to the thing that as a big chance of escaping. If I were him, the alien though, I would have done it once I was arrived here. They were really taking their sweet little time to get everything ready damn.

On the top of the dirt, the team was surprised that Clay was able to contact the alien with the modified computer, even he, doesn't know how he did. But he didn't care right now he had to help the alien that was in danger!

He had to help the being that was trapped in the underground? Well that why they couldn't find the team for so long, they were hiding in a newly made base that was hiding most of he signals that it emitted but the one from the alien was much more stronger than their own. To that, they started to gat a plan ready.

The poor creature was enduring another lecture of the evil plan of the 'evil man' that was in front of the door, not letting them out. They were so tired of the one sided conversation that the being was offering them, how could a human get so badass to a boring writer that was trying to make a thing interesting?

Darn, how long would they be stuck in this hell that the man was giving them? They were getting impatient with the non-stop machine that was a human conversing with the tall being that was trying to 'fall asleep' like the humans to try and escape this hell, god of the cube, how much did he detailed his plan?

The NASA team was now getting ready to strike with their own small rescue plan that was surly not going to fail. All that they had to do was to strike right there with the bomb. The doors exploded with an resonating bang.

The talk was stopped by the ground shacking, making the beast wait it out, alarms were blaring and they were now happy, relieved and relaxing as the man had to take care of what was going on. That made the male leave the receptors of the alien alone, even with the sound of the alarm the being was happy that the man stopped talking.

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