Chapter thirty-four: The Final Pictures

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As the day was slowly showing up in the horizon of the earth, the alien just knew what to say to their friends, nothing. They just couldn't say it, it was to hard on their core, to much pressure fora child of their species. They knew that the cube will soon be back were it always belonged, meaning that they had to go now. They waited for the kids to wake up, the alien was now done reading the book that they had made with the alien. They had so much fun but the whole group knew that the whole thing will soon be over, really soon.

Once the kids were all up and had eaten, they started to walk to the station where the alien will be launched into the space and get back to their home. The kids had been able to ask the alien for a copy of the book, so for sure they did three of it for their friends. They now each had a copy of it with something special in it, they were surprised to see the picture that they took a little while before the whole saving the world happened. The alien was crouched so that they could be in the photo, one hand on each of the kids head and one in the air as a salute to the camera. The kids were smiling to it, as they had a souvenir forever and always.

As the alien knew that they were extremely close to the end of the road for them, they turned around and grabbed the three kids and ran into the forest. They had only one idea in mind, the first place were it all began, they wanted one final look before the whole thing will finally come to it. Once they were there, they decided that they would just sit and watch as the whole thing started right here.

The kids screaming and running away as the alien was rather mad at themselves. They had decided to follow them in hope that they would help them. That did come true, they indeed helped the alien back home, and they wanted to say thanks. They knew that they just stalled for time and continued on their way to the place were they would leave, no turn backs now. They stopped a little further as the treehouse was there, before returning to the task.

The group walked a little while longer as they took a huge detour for a final memory before it would have all ended. They were now at the location were the story for the four of them end. They were now all crying. At least right now the alien would have liked to be able to right now. Yet they knew that they couldn't just do that. So they took the nearby water glass and splashed the water at their face. They now were confused looking at the beast. They just shrugged and answered that they wanted to cry too, even though they hated the water that was now on their face.

The mate felt the change in space, the cube was now in its place, finally the life was now recreating itself over. What they didn't expect was the kids attacking them and making them unable to move. The kids imitated the alien by shrugging and saying it was a hug. They were now on the final leave as the pod was being checked over to see if it was alright and ready to go.

The alien knew that it was now the end, as the last things were done on the pod to make sure it was ready to go. Once that was over with, they turned and sat in the pod giving one last look at the kids before closing the door and nodding in their way. Rick did show that he was sad and ran to the pod as the door closed, making Rick pound on it. The kid was crying and saying his last goodbye to them, saying that he is happy to have met them.

The kids were getting dragged away behind safety distance to watch the launch happen they were happy to have met a great creature like them. They would never forget them. What a special small planet called earth. As they were getting ready to launch the kids waved at the alien, not expecting to see the alien wave back at them in thanks and friendship. They wished they could spend more time with them but they just cant.

As the world was now free from the madness that the man was giving, the earth and their four planets at peace. They watched as the world they discovered disappeared behind them as the stasis option was slowly taking in its effect, they were now unconscious as the alien was now getting more and more close back home.

The kids had watched their new friend go back to the stars as they belonged up their somewhere far, far away. As they grew up, they got kids and told them the story they had lived with a special friend that was in space wo knows where, maybe back home or on a newfound adventure. They passed the story around the family, as it became quite popular and named the real one that created it. Starslay was popular among the humans now, as the only story published was in 1991, as the story began at the start of that year.

The aliens on the planets were now waiting to see if the being that saved them was alive, they just had to wait a little longer and they will be able to know...

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kids watch the alien fly away:

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