Chapter twenty-two: Truths Revealed

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The kid didn't understand the question at first but then shook is head, wanting answers as to why now he was talking about him. Ryan was on the verge of tears noticing that the beast in the corner was hurt. He knew he couldn't give them a hug so he could only watch the poor being that was hurt in front of him.

The father then started to explain a lot more about his father that even the team didn't know about, they worked together that was the worst thing about it. " You're father was amazing, Ryan, he was the most intellectual one on the outer being subjects. He told me that he had hidden all of his work in a special watch that he gave to the one he trusts the most."

Ryan seemed to be lost in though. "The other is that James, you're father was still a mysterious man, he almost never talked to anyone. That was at least the last that he talked to me before I had learned that he had been killed".

Ryan was crying now, his father trusted him the most because he never talked just like his father that was why he had his watch today. That all made sense, he couldn't believe that his father was so cool too. That he worked in the hope to change the world. To make the world a better place. His father had left for him something that could turn the tides of the war. He had to keep it a secret though, for now at least. He looked at the watch that was on his wrist, making Clay look at it. That made him gasp, as he recognized the special watch.

He then asked to the kid if he could take it, making Ryan take a step back. Before he though about it and what he had said about trust. He trusted the beast more than the man that was infront of him. He walked to the alien, making Clay confused on his actions. He took off his watch and gave it to the creature. The creature seemed to understand what he was implying and started to look for an opening. Clay was a little mad that the kid trusted a beast that was from space and passed alot less time with the kids that could watch the files.

The alien, after a few hours of struggling with the oh so small device, opened the top of it. They were surprised to see that it was the usb port of their own species that was hold inside. Of course their USBs were extremely small. That was to be able to hide it in their armour, using the creaks in the armour of the neck to hide them.

The beast made the thing float in the air, making the whole team drop their mouths to the power they hold. They opened their interface, the information was flowing through the light, floating screen. Then, after a little trouble, they were able to insert the small device in their computer. They then started to type on the paper like electronic device. They suddenly stopped at a certain mangle of words.

They seemed to be in shock too. The little kid that had the watch, asked the famous question "what's wrong, Star?" Only the alien heard the whisper of the little child that was to their side. The alien started another tale.

":A long, long time ago, far far away, on this planet, on earth. Before the death of my very core, before my creation. There was one mate, a Cristalamate to be precise, was lost to the stars. Their name was Mapscratch, they were the one that created escape pods. They flew away to program it to a safe planet. Only, that would be a one way trip. And of course, he knew of that. He had to make the best choice before landing, he could only do that once. They closed the device that was floating in front of them to sit on the ground again. They didn't know what to do, and so the best looking one was earth.:"

": They landed in an unknown time, they were said to have finally programmed the last of the pods, they were now ready. But there was only one thing, the creator never came back. In the recording it is said that he died a few years ago, he was in stasis for so long for the travel that the war was only starting. But again, they were quite old. The weird thing is that they said to be introduced as a male figure. There is not much else that was written but there was a message for the royals, or for me, as the writing was in the artifacts language.:"

":I am surprised that he could be in stasis for so many years. But that proves that he was indeed here, I saw his escape pod the other day. I was unsure if it was someone that had survived. Now I am sure that it is his. I am proud to note that he wasn't a legend, this planet has so much to hold inside.:" That seemed to have peeked the interest of one of them. "Could you be the owner of a huge cube?" one asked, making the being interested into what they had to say.

":Only the cube of life that I know of, but our cube doesn't breathe. I am unsure that you can miss that it is way to big to be held underground. That is all that I know of it, I was never able to see it for real, apart from the story's of the royals.:" The one that talked nodded and turned around, continuing to work on their own thing, didn't they say that if there was to be any danger it would turn into a empty creatures shell?

The story's, the knowledge was way to confusing to the humans, since these creatures holds way to much for a human brain to remember, but do they remember it all? That was a great question, not even me can answer it, some had the memory loss. To be truthful ":we are all the same, yet we are not, the only thing is appearances and actions. Just like any of you:" The alien is so confusing with their words.

":I am quite sorry for the amalgams we speak in a special way, that was told from generation to the young and so on.:" The humans, well the whole group had a small fight of riddles, that was easily won by the alien, since they were the one that talked in the much strange ways. They were the most special in the memory in the place, they will remember that story, that adventure. They were the only hope.

There is not much that could be done now, the team that had lost a important part of the plan was now gone, taken away by who knows who. The alien almost mocked them by walking around, but they were so fast, why was the boss in his room? Right they had to protect him, but they are not trained to hit a target that was almost a flash in the eye. The leader said that they had a lucky shot, no wonder at the speed that these things can run.

The bigger they are the harder they fall right? Wrong, the things that was in the way was gracefully dodging as if the thing was running in the forest, making their moves enticing to the others, so fast. They didn't know where to shoot or where to look, to much sound and to much things to look at the same time. In the end they had lost the sight of the alien.

They were running in the way of the human, to hide them, they had got out. The being was distracting the group since it was funny to see them so confused onto what they had to do to be able to capture them once more. They had so much luck to do that the first time and they wanted to show it to the whole team.

They were naïve at the time, they were still a kid in the mind, even though they acted so much like a adult, so mature. They were thinking of this aa a huge dangerous training just like the old times in there own world. To them, it was just fun times and helped them trough a pain, they were still injured but they trained to see if they were still able to dodge like before and surprisingly they indeed were able to.

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