Chapter fifteen: Smooth Lies Beyond Space And Time

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There was not much that could be done for now. They didn't want to close it down now. So, to get around the order of the council that was given, they packed it all up and had hidden the whole thing at the house of the second in command.

The team was now getting everything connected to the encrypted servers that they created so that they can continue their work. The only thing was that there was no one to report to now. So it was easier to do their own thing without being watched.

Yet they had to stay careful of the weary eyes of the government. The team was working on the new computer that was brought to them by the old boos of the crew. The computer had a lot to tell, and yet, they didn't have that much time to uncover it.

On the other side, there was Clay, the old NASA boss, that was getting the house ready for the alien that was waiting to come back impatiently, they seemed on the hedge.

The old unit was working quite fast on the new problem before them, that was the electronic screen in front of them. There is so much to explore about it, that is until they had recovered the location of one of the two USB that was hidden away, now waiting for the picking.

The team almost ran out of the new base to gather the old thing back, they had forgotten what was on it, since it has been so long. The thing was to gather enough homemade tools in case of an attack from the other side. Once they had located the file inside a small plastic and metallic piece, it was lying on the floor, waiting for them.

The underground team was looking for the lost files, the younger and more brave brother had lost the watch while getting chased out by the kids on their first attempt at capturing the alien. The main boss was mad at his brother for losing it in the woods.

The good crew made it to the coordinates, just like the bad team, there was one looking for it, while the other unit only watched. That team was the bad one, calling in their boss asking what to do next as they now had it in their hands.

The boss knew it was a useless clue, to that he called them to get back to the place of the extraction. The small remains of the team that scattered as soon as a stick-breaking was heard. The good team making a run for it, not knowing what the enemies in the bush where.

Once they made it back safely to the new base of operations, they started to open the files. They had quite the surprise at what they had uncovered, it seemed like an unknown file that was hidden from them since the start.

Once the files were open, it was about some unknown language that seemed to be from another planet, of course! That was the alien's writing. The only thing blocking them was that they didn't understand the symbols that were presented on the small screen.

The bad team was now taking their long and painful stroll back to where they were at the start of this huge call that was nothing. There was much to ensue and yet not, there was so much that was hidden from them long ago they couldn't believe that the parlor had hidden so many clues from them!

The bad team was at the half of their route when they stopped for a breather, letting themselves rest a little before getting back up and getting to the point. They could sleep a little right? It wouldn't be that bad, the boss will not like it but they need it, right now.

The said crew was now sleeping while in another place, the other one was quite the restless one. The old NASA unit had finally discovered what the message was telling, warning to all of them, they had to tell everyone, but now they cant, though of as a simple fraud.

The hidden message was telling an old legend, that seemed so important. "There was long ago, a few hidden things from so many people, and yet there was nothing to tell. The story of one that had fallen, the one that forgotten. There is not much to say, only that there is nowhere to run, to hide, or even fight. With what is befalling over our planets, there is no telling what it could do.

There is not much to warn, but if you read this, you have founded the legend of the Star, our lost savior that disappeared so long ago. We are the mates, and we are waiting for their awakening, yet nothing insight, we are stuck in an endless loop.

To warn all of you, this is not a legend, it is a prediction of what is to come, be warned, whoever reads this, that not only it is a lost language, but a lost prediction that needs to be told.

The thing is, there is no escape from what is going to happen, but you can still hope for a better choice from the Star, the one that will to the right choice, at the right time. They will bring the end to the world or will be its future, an unknown world to us".

This is where the message had ended, there is nothing left on the USB key. It is weird though, that only one text was left for the world to find, but why is it telling that? Could it be about the thing that is as big as their planet's moon?

What would happen, what kind of choice do they have to make? There were only more questions in the crew's mind. There is not enough time to answer them, or even continue the researches since it is close to nightfall.

The team that was on the field was still sleeping peacefully until the call of a walkie-talkie was heard in the mind of the unit.

At the end of the world, what could it mean? or what could it say, the team didn't know but slept on them though. The team that was now wakened up, still too tired to answer the call from their boss, had fallen back asleep, leaving a useless call into the forest.

Once the world was sleeping, one still couldn't fall asleep. they cant. They were never meant to sleep, eat, or see the night. The guest was walking out of the treehouse, to look at the stars in hope of guidance from the elder's spirit, getting nothing, of course, they are not on their planet.

They cannot hope of the help of them, they will have to think and do everything without a prophecy or help of the king and queen, telling the mates what they needed to do in their lives.

There is yet to see, the alien watching silently the stars, making the lost power core appear again, for them to morn on their loss. The poor hinkly, they died too soon, they were just a few Neo's old when that had happened.

The visitor thought of what the royalty would say about this new universe, to protect it with their heart, their power core. Is this what a human call love? That feeling is way to weird for them to know, they don't know how to enjoy things, they have so many things to do, but now they are hiding, doing no duty.

The world, at peace, was like the old days back at Quanta-4. The prey getting hunted, the AD-03 flying around in the sky, trying to escape its grasp. The world that is now lost, only sad memories are left behind for the alien to remember and hope to get back there one day.

The outer being shook their head making the power core vanish in thin air, to get back up from their sitting position, and to finally get back inside the cabin that they had made a few days ago, human time goes way to fast compared to their own.

The alien looked around the small compartment, to notice that the plants were withering away, as to say that something back is going to happen, not caring about the warning, they started to take care of the poor human plants.

These plants cannot survive for that long, this world is much more fragile than the one they were used to. It is becoming a little too weird for the alien to live in, they have to get the cube and get back to their home again.

They have to get out of this world, even if they are getting quite attached to the small humans of this world, they will visit another time, if they are still alive, they would be surprised if they do survive a couple of thousands of human years.

Of course, the outer being life span is much bigger than the humans, they were now saddened by the fact that once they were back home, they would already be dead and their children would be teens.

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