Chapter fourteen: Gathering

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The team now gather around to the endpoint, which is yet far away. The world is for now, at peace and serenity of mind. The society was not ready for it all.

The first thing that was considering what would follow was going to arrive. There was no holding it, no one could. Once that all occurred, there is no going behind.

The war, the harmony will serve to nothing now. Not with what is going to follow. But we are not there for now. Let's keep it at that.

The alien doubted why would it all hit them? There is no preventing destiny. The kids were wondering why the visitor was getting troubled. Even when they were all secure and healthy from what is outdoor, the devastation was all around.

The children, desiring to help the stranger think of something else, chose to ask them how they lived back then, on their planet. The outer being, glad that they asked, started to ramble on about their habit.

The visitor was getting ready to head out to have their regular day. Once they were outside, a cry. The guest wondered what that could be. To walk in the direction of the sound to only find the same small child crying.

The mate strolled up to the kid to ask what was wrong when a warning was heard from the bell-1, the planet Quanta-1 was getting attacked. The only thing that made the kids cry and frightened from what was going to happen next was the sound of the war siren.

The combat had begun once the child becomes the learner of the guard leader. A little torture was felt for the king and queen, the infection slowly taking in its consequence, destroying them. They had to hide away the illness so that no one would be disturbed.

It was their people first, and will forever be that way. It was in their bloodstream, so there is no fleeing from the end. The only thing that prepared them, a small pain that would never dissolve away until they depart.

There is only so much before there is nothing left. The only thing that they had to do was to inform everyone in faith. They desired some of their community to survive the collapse. They won't make it out, not this time the bacteria was too far in.

There is no telling what will befall next which is called destiny. The only predicament was that there is no retreat. The alien paused there before it got too scary for the youngsters to hear they are too young. The older one kept good attention to where they stopped talking, pleased that they ended before saying dead.

On the other side of the town, the NASA unit was attempting to get the administration to believe them. The wold was going to end, and yet the people didn't want to listen to them. Even with the supervisor present, nothing would change to them, the government thinks that they are converting into fraud and are deceiving about who they are. The end of the tale will not greatly end, will it?

The crew couldn't get off with it this time. They had to stop what they were doing. The team is now broken, the group was torn apart. The council had so much to do, there is a huge meteorite about to hit the Earth. The end was quite near to everyone right now.

The government broke the team, as they were tired of them trying to create predicaments where there was none. There is an end to each story, and this is here that it ends at least, for them. They are now out of work, not having an assignment anymore. The only thing that they could do now, looked at the end that will be delivered to them, at least they will do it with their cherished ones.

The associates were now home, with their loved ones. On the other side of town, there was a poor guest that was demanded a ton of interrogations. They were quite annoyed and afraid of all the questions that were asked by humans. How could the humans ask that many questions without taking a nap as they spoke?

So many questions going on about how the humans live. There are so Many not answered and yet, no replies. There is so much going on at the same time that it is hard to keep track of time and of whom to follow. There is the one that resides, why is the newcomer here, how did they get here?

There is so much to ask, yet no one to respond, at least, not yet. There is so much to do yet not sufficient time. The alien was attempting to answer as best to the enigmas questioned by the few individuals. To yet, there is more threat to come, even though they are not revealing yet, there is no knowing what could happen.

The alien had to explain a little more about the customs, and the way they experienced their lives in their world. There is a lot to define since there is much that humans wouldn't know about them. There are a few things to say such as a hidden story.

Thus, they commenced on about the myth of the strange legend, their power core was never founded nor regained as it dissolved away to never be seen again. They are the only line of resistance even though it wasn't the same subject. The thing that is befalling to them is far more dangerous than they imagined.

They thought that the creature would have disappeared, but they are not in the best circumstance, the thing seems to know that they are here. Once the start of the end commenced, there is no turning back to the events. The demise will bring everything with it.

An unknown murmur was heard. The story of a prediction from a few people of the Quanta's. There is a few story's that are not memorized, that is not told to the rest of the world. Such as the myth of the end of a tale to start another.

The story that ended the other most deadly beast, that slaughtered the world. To yet, another fight the planet is only a part of an everlasting battle. The courageous will fear, the vulnerable will hide, the powerful will perish, no one can sustain the end.

Yet, one amongst them, they will be much deferent from the species of the planet. They will be able to defeat it, at one cost, that cost is still uncertain of the entire thing from them. They will make a decision that will alter the outcome of the battle.

The subterrene organization was now trying to get to its target point. There is a lot to get ready, yet no so much time to react. Even though it didn't seem like there was hope, there isn't much space to think it out.

The kids were now done asking the outer being interrogations. They didn't know what to do with the alien, so they chose to start on in the where it will be while they are gone. They concluded in the cabin in the woods, just like previously.

The humans had to get everything ready in the house for the alien and get equipped for what is to come, that they couldn't have a creature too tall in the house to be able to equip the house. They could be in the way and frighten a lot of people since they had to leave the door open.

There is not much to say, the refugee was brought back to the cabin, the small treehouse, well not that small if the tall creature can stand in it. There the alien went, into the home and ready to wait for the children to get back. There is a lot of things to do even though the meteor was close.

The alien had crafted from the shattered electronics from the house to make interstellar things that the human liked to call a phone. The contact module, as they call it, was to contact each other rather than needing to run to each place to know if everything is ok.

The contact module was floating in the air somehow, they have no clue on the why or how it is floating in the air. The kids were getting ready for bed, while the alien was feeling uncomfortable where they were. The outer being was unsure if the place was safe or not.

The only call of the night that was showing could be seen by their moonlight. The night coming, scaring the alien as the feeling only got worse and worse. The outer being was being watched, they saw something that was the size of a human in a stray bush, unsure of what was to occur.

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