Epilogue Chapter : Home, Sweet Melodies

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After a few Neos of waiting, they had finally come. The legend was present, as the escape pod was now falling to the earth of the planet Quanta-4. The whole residents stopped what they were doing to run up to the pod and greet their savior. They were in the field of an hero, an hero that had a book kin their arms?

They started to celebrate for the new day that is the day of the savior, as it became an sort of holiday as the kids told the alien back on Earth. That planet was so strange yet they loved the adventure, even if they know that they were long dead. They kept the picture of the kids in their hands as a memory of the great times that they shared. They were now getting quite hold, being the one that is somehow the oldest.

As many, many Neos had passed by them, as they asked for the school for kids be their retirement. Another new thing for the young to like, a more safe place where they can learn, they called the block the Earth school. As an huge honor to the kids that helped save the two worlds. They looked at the picture again before making a frame to put in their room, they were now around 300 Neos old, so much to tell. They were indeed the oldest one to live yet, and seemed as healthy as ever.

As the story came to an end, the sound of a closing book could be hear, ":well, children was that a great story time?:" The whole small group nodded in the way of the really old mentor. One raised their hand ":Yes little curious core?:" The small child nodded and started ":was that really you? and what happened next? the other friends that you had met, Starslay?:"

The alien seemed to think it trough before giving their answer ":Well children, it was indeed my life but, those stories will be for a later time, have a great day you all:" as the sound of a imitation of a bell rang trough the halls. The kids were all laughing as they got out of the room leaving the once a young hero in the room.

They turned around to see the now holographic picture of the kids that was on the wall, smiling up to them mentally, remembering the whole story. They nodded to the next friends they had met that was also dead, impatient to start the story the next day. They were now waiting for the kids to come back the next day. They always did, every generation of young did, as they were the hero.

They were the one that allowed more to live on bu the sacrifice of many, many things throughout their time in space...

But children, that is another story, for another time. For now, it is goodbye...

486 words

The End...

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