Chapter twenty-four: The Helped

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They were now talking about the things that they would have to get before they start on their actual plan, and they decided, since the other team though that their base was still in their control, without anyone in it, they would just move to their hidden base, of course hiding the kids and the alien on the way there question that they dont want them hurt.

Clay decided to take a look around the base that was now getting in the radar of the other team that was looking for them, they had to act fast. Everyone was doing something, even the tall beast, they held the rather heavy equipment while the others packed up all they will need for the journey.

Clay was coming back in a military van that was almost holding no seats, they were to get ready for the moving part, the alien doing the most of the work, even if they were hurt. Once the whole thing was in the car, or rather huge van, the whole group was now getting ready to go. Clay called the rest of the team that wasn't in it for a while.

The whole team will now be together instead of the small group that they were, the now fifty people from the group will be brought together. They were to make the last move that was to go to the end of the plan. They now had to get safely to the place were they had said, the other hidden base that was in the ground.

The whole team was going there in random timing, once they got out of the town they made sure that they were not followed and continued to the military van that was in the woods. Waiting for the rest of the team to get there before going to the facility. They were to not get lost in the woods, they need as much people together as they can.

What they didn't know was that three people was following them, making sure that they were hidden, but there was two adults in the group and a small child. Two of them was special, at least in human terms, they were more strange than the other one. Once they were all together, they noticed that a huge unit of the group wasn't present.

They didn't know that the three was now holding onto the last car of the line. They knew that the rest of the group was dead, and that they couldn't really do anything about it. If only James was present, he was the leader of the group before him, the sad memory of the death coming to mind, he was there. Clay saw it all happen, he was still alive somehow and yet, his best friend was dead.

Why they were three you ask? lets go back a little, into the part where they were hidden.

They were still waiting for the coast to be clear before booking it out of here, they didn't know that there was someone else watching them, that person was hiding too. But they seemed to now the place like the back of their hand. Once they were sure that they were gone, the third person started to talk.

"Why hello, how did you find my hiding place strangers, the human was looking at the direction of the two that was at the holes of the door. They looked at each other not knowing what to say. No worry's, I am not with them, I am waiting for the right moment to get back to the ones I was with".

They still havent talked one bit, they didn't talk in the same language after all, they were ancient. The human continued the one sided conversation "you two seem silent, it is alright though, I like the silence, by the way I am James, and I may know how to get out and get to you're friend. My son opened the watch, the signal is clear we can go now".

The two being nodded seeing that the person hold no intent to kill them on the spot. They were now getting ready to go to the whole thing that was were the start of the war was declared to the galaxy. They were trying to get out of the town without getting noticed by the teams that was doing rounds to see if everyone was indeed looking for the beast that they had to kill to get all the power that they need to get over the galaxy.

There is not much details to explain they were not noticed and they had got out quickly of the town that was now a war ground, a huge battle ground that was to be ended as soon as possible. There is a need for peace, and that was what needed to happen, they had to get back to the whole team, even if one of them, scratch that, even though the three was though dead to the world.

The team was now at the facility, the three that was hidden behind the car was now slipping inside the underground base to get to the cubes room, somehow SR had split from the cube of life, now alive. They knew that they had so much to get ready before going back to their original form, the cube. The legend was now going to be true.

Once the whole team was inside of the grounds, they were warned to not freak out that much about the whole over deal that was the alien. But of course once the alien was brought in, they all started to freak out at the size of the being and at their faceless features.

The team was more curious of the alien than they were scared of it, the kids were in one corner of the room, talking to each other. Rick was still bitter at the though that it is the aliens fault that they were going to die today.

The part of the team that didn't know of the alien did a funny thing that the beast didn't understand, they were throwing a small party to say that they were right from the start, that there was indeed life out there. But that was ended shortly as the leader of the team said that they didn't have the time to do that.

The team was now unpacking as the alien seemed to be lost in though. The team was curious as to why the alien didn't help, that is until the alien something that broke the silence and brought more questions.

":There is a creator here, but it cannot be...:" The human that saw the weird thing talked about it to the alien, to get asked to show where it was, they were now alert. The kids followed the two that was now getting out of the group to go in a other direction that war farther in the base.

They got to a huge place that was now blocked off, the windows seemed to be replaced with a wall, hiding what was inside, they opened the door to notice something huge, the alien froze on the spot. Was they were not waiting for was that that three beings was in the room, there was almost no space but they could all fit in the small space.

The alien started " way, is it really you, creator SR...?:" as the being turned around, a child was seen and they seemed familiar too, they had a close energy. But the cube, how, when and why? That thinking was stopped when a yell from the silent child stopped the silence, that alerted the rest of the team. Ryan was running to the human in the room "dad, he yelled while crying and running to the male adult, jumping up to give him a huge hug. But dad, you're as he continued to cry".

They were interrupted by the gasp of one being that was behind them, Stacy was crying, running to her husband that was presumed dead, happy that he was back. She knew that her husband was still alive, she felt it in her heart that he was still alive. Clay was shocked, but he saw his friend die that day. How was he remotely alive?

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