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Elle McBriar
May 5th, 1 year and 162 days since the first zombie report

Maybe throwing rocks on a frozen lake wasn't the best idea!

It was the coldest day we've had since winter, even though summer is right around the corner.

I could see my breath in front of me.

Anyway, we went to the lake a couple minutes away from here because we needed to get food. We decided to take the baby out into the world for the first time.

He seemed to enjoy it. I mean, he sucked his thumb the entire time, but I think that means he liked it.

But Riley suggested we throw rocks and I said we could after we got food. He stomped his food but nonetheless agreed.

Let's just say it ended in a very cold, very frozen Riley and Alex.

"I- I told you not to walk on t- the lake Riley. And look what h- happened." Alex yelled, his teeth chattering.

"I'm sorry. I'm s- small, I didn't think it would b- break." He pouted. Alex was currently in my arms as I wrapped my jacket around his semi naked body as we rushed back to the car.

"You need to listen to me, Riley. I'm serious- it's dangerous out there. Remember I told you?" Alex growled.

Riley kept his mouth shut, "I can't you lose you buddy. You know how sad you were when Gage died, if something happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live anymore." He kneeled in front of his brother as he pressed him into a hug.

Riley giggled, "You're cold."

"You are too. Let's get you home before you freeze your balls off." Megan smacked his arm and he screamed, "Ow. Babe, I can't feel my arm!" Megan glared at him with a smirk on her face, "Good."

Once we got back home, Riley jumped straight into the shower. She came out with a towel around his body.

There was steam coming off him, "Warm." He smiled, sitting near the fire we had just put on. Alex literally sprinted to the bathroom, closing the door, leaving us to babysit his brother.

"That's a story you can tell baby later. That you fell in a frozen lake while throwing rocks." Megan smiled, "Baby can talk?" Riley asked us, looking over at the sleepy baby rolling around on the blanket.

"Not yet. But soon." Megan smiled.

Paxton pushes the door open with his back as he came in carefully carrying two full cups of coffee.

He handed me one and then sat on the couch behind me. I was sitting on the floor with Riley, leaning my head back so I leaned against Paxton's legs.

"Someone had fun." Paxton smirked, "Yeah, Riles and Alex fell in the lake." I snorted. Megan was still laughing, "It was scary at the time, but now it's just funny."

Paxton kissed the top of my head as his hands massages my shoulders. I relaxed into his massage and closed my eyes, "My God, that feels amazing." I sighed. "My God Pax, you're amazing with your hands." He chuckled and suddenly stopped. I had a frown on my face.

"Come with me, okay?" His hand held mine as he dragged me up, "Where are we going?" Megan giggled, "Guys, protection please. Childbirth is not fun."

I rolled my eyes at her but secretly looked at Paxton. He had a smirk on his face as he led me up the stairs and pushed open our bedroom door.

He threw me on the bed and I gasped, "Geez Pax, what's gotten into you."

His eyes were hungry and dark. He latched his mouth onto mine and began kissing me. Suddenly, I'm very hot.

He rested his body on mine and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me down.

Pinning my arms above my head, I moaned at the feel of him kissing my skin. He sucked on my neck, kissing down to my collarbone, then up to my jaw and then back to my lips again.

"I missed you." He whispered between kisses. I smiled against his lips, "I missed your body. I need you right now. Please let me. I'm dying here."

His face contented from pain into lust as he completely ravished me again. I felt my head grow heavy as my body began to sweat. "Oh my God- yes." I mumbled.

Paxton groaned against my skin and it made me feel some type of way.

"You're so sexy baby." He teased. I giggled, "Shut up and kiss me." His eyebrows sparked up, "Yes ma'am."

I pulled on his hair, earning a groan from him as his tongue found its way into mouth. Oh my God, has he gotten better?

I felt goosebumps rise and my hair stand on edge as he went down to my legs, pulling off my pants. He smirked as he looked over me, "My beautiful girl."

I swooned at the nickname as I swear I fell in love all over again.

* * *

I woke up about an hour later in the same position I fell asleep in. When I lifted my head up, my neck cracked like a glowstick.

"Ow, fuck me." I sighed, "I already did that. Twice." A voice said.

I looked over to the bathroom and saw Paxton, smirking at me. He was leaning against the door frame looking as sexy as ever. He only had a pair of loose boxers on.

"You look good." I bit my lip, earning a growl from him. "Don't make me finish what you start. I don't think you can go again." He mocked. I sat up, offended, "Me? You're the loser, complaining about sore junk." I laughed.

He glared at me and flopped onto the bed, his arm tracing lines up and down my back.

"I love you. You know that right?" He said. I nodded, "I love you too."

"Please don't ever leave me." He whispered. My smile faded as I brushed my hands through his hair.

He shuffled around in the bed, his body laying on top of mine. "I would never leave you." I said softly.

He mumbles, "I know. But if something happens, and it's life or death- please don't do anything stupid that results in you getting hurt. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt."

Where was all this coming from?

He's been really emotional lately and very touchy-feely. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But I'm kinda worried.

"As long as you promise me the same thing." I said. He held up his pinky and I twirled my pinky in his, "I promise."

* * *


will they hold up their ends of the promise?

probably not. they're pretty stupid :)

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