twenty two

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Elle McBriar
May 14th, 1 year and 170 days since the first zombie report

As we walked along the halls of this extremely long house, I couldn't help but admire the interior design.

The fabric curtains, satin furniture and the culture appreciation of the Chinese dragon, which is displayed on almost every pillow case we come across.

"Mr and Mrs Wang, if you don't mind me asking, where are we going?"

They didn't speak. So we stayed silent.

We turned corners, walked down endless amounts of stairs and even rode in an elevator. This house is beyond huge. It's a mansion.

"The science department at Ottoman Laboratory was against all practitioners using any form of biology to create or recreate human life." Mr Wang suddenly said. "So after those boys in California made the first batch of zombie serum, we new we had to stop them." He continued.

"Some kids here liked what the boys in California were doing, and they wanted to help. So they teamed up and made a country wide serum that should've wiped out the entire human population."

"The science department would've hated to see the world like this. Especially since the zombies are still reproducing. We tried to stop it." Mrs Wang said with a sad smile, "But unfortunately there is no way."

They opened a heavy metal door and we stepped inside. I gasped, putting my hand over my mouth as tears welled in my eyes. Alex yanked Riley behind his back and shoved his hand over his eyes.

We're standing in a warehouse, where there's zombies left and right. "How are you mass producing them? It was a man made thing, surely it can be stopped right?" Alex yelled, looking over to Mr and Mrs Wang.

They looked at each other.

"The mutilated bodies you're seeing on the streets are from the failed science experiments. Before the science lab in Los Angeles blew up, zombies were still producing. And they are here."

I wracked my brain, "I'm sorry I'm confused. Are you saying there are Warehouses like these in every state."

Mrs Wang looked down at the ground, "That's exactly what I'm saying."

* * *

"We've tried everything. Linking the cyber connected wires to every warehouse in the country and turning it off but it won't work. It's missing something."

We stayed quiet, listening in to what the couple had to say, "We've got it under control for now, the zombies won't be getting out."

"What about the bodies in the street? Why are they still appearing?" I asked, "Whenever an experiment fails- the body gets filtered into a trash chute. I guess it leads to some road we don't know about."

"How are you making more zombies? The bodies decompose and there are no more humans left."

"Particles. It's science, Elle. Anything is possible with science. Taking a little bit of blood, animal flesh or even a strand of hair- anything can do the trick."

As much as I hate to admit it, it made sense. It explains the bodies and why we haven't seen any zombies for a while.

I stood and watched. As lumps of things I couldn't quite decipher were being dragged on a conveyer belt to some unknown location.

There were stains of red on the concrete floor. Which is assumed was blood. Science equipment such as beaners, bunsen burners, scalpels and more were laying on the empty desks.

"Was this the university?" Alex asked, dumbfounded. Mr Wang nodded, "This laboratory was the teachers laboratory. The students would have their lessons off campus. This is where teachers would perform their practices."

"So this dining hall... it once belonged to the teachers who worked at Ottoman?"

Mrs Wang smiled, "The dining hall, sleeping chambers, kitchen. It belonged to the Ottoman foundation and all the teachers who worked here. I myself was a science teacher who. But I didn't agree with what everyone wanted to do."

Mr Wang comforted his wife, rubbing a soothing hand up and down her back, "I got fired when I tried to warn them this would turn bad. And it did, obviously. So my husband and I moved in and managed to control what we could of the zombie plantation."

It was fascinating, really.

"We appreciate it. If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know." Megan smiled.

Mr and Mrs Wang led us out of there, closing and locking the door. They let us have a look around the house.

"Feel free to ask as many questions as you'd like."

Paxton took my hand and dragged my up the stairs. We looked around at the abandoned rooms, shuffled through drawers and bookcases.

"It's pretty cool stuff." Pax admired, getting lost in the thrill of all the sciencey-type stuff.

"I was never really interested in science." I shrugged, "I was more on the explosion side of things." I smiled wickedly, wiggling my eyebrows, "So you know how to make a bomb then?"

I shrugged, "I probably could if I had the right ingredients." I giggled.

Paxton didn't let go of my hand as we walked down the stairs. Once we met everyone in the foyer, we waited for the Wangs.

Tiredly leaning my head on Paxton's shoulder, I let out a yawn, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

Riley was asleep in Alex's arms, as was the baby, curled up to Megan's chest.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice. And we apologise if we gave off the wrong type of feeling. We really are good people." Mrs Wang smiled.

"We believe you. But we must be going, we've gotta get these two to bed." Alex said, nodding to the kids.

"Lovely to meet you, thank you."

We headed down the driveway in silence, my heels clicking against the concrete.

I slid in first and then let Paxton sit before I made myself comfortable on his lap. I leaned back so my back was pressed against his chest. His arms circled my waist as he hugged me tightly.

"Megan you never did tell us what you're going name the baby." Elaine said suddenly. This piqued my interest.

I looked up, seeing the small smile exchanged between Megan and Alex.

"Well, I we had originally gone with Oliver, because I loved that name. But then I talked to Alex, and we both agreed that his new name would be much more fitting."

Alex smiled and let out a deep chuckle, "Well? What's his name?" Penny said excitedly.

"His name is Gage."

* * *


how are you??

this chapter kinda made me cry :( i miss gage

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