fourty six

849 44 15

Elle McBriar,

After what felt like hours of fighting, it slowly started to die down.

Either, they ran out of ammo, if they're dead. I prayed it was the first one.

Glancing around the room slowly, I saw 3 dead bodies. I didn't recognise them but I don't want to take any chances.

"Pax? Alex?" I quietly call out. Hearing no rely, my mind immediately goes to the worst. I'm startled by the sound of boxes rustling.

I look to my left and see Alex roly-poly beside me and then to my right I see Paxton making himself comfortable.

"Hello boys. Good to see you're alive." I scoffed, "Thanks for your help out there." Alex said.

"I'd rather not die, thanks though."

We stayed quiet as we awaited Masons next move, although, it never came.

"Maybe he's letting us go?" Alex said, "Don't be ridiculous."

"What now?" Paxton said in a hopeful voice, "We hope for the fucking best that one of these doors leads to outside and we're still in America."

Just as we stood up to look around more, a door open and Mason dove straight for us.

I screamed in terror as Paxton was tackled to the ground. Alex was next. They were fighting, the old fashioned way.

I was picked up my legs and thrown over a shoulder, "Put me down this instant your oaf!" I kicked and screamed, thrashing my body about as hard as I could.

At one point I kicked him in the face and he hit my head on a doorframe.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

He put me down and grunted, leaving me alone. I stood up straight away and headed back to wear the boys were.

"I said to get her out of here!" Mason said, after being thrown against a wall by Pax, "I tried boss, she kicked me."

Mason rolled his eyes, "Do something."

Before I could react, I turned around to see a fist flying towards me. I put my hands up in defence to shelter my face, but it wasn't my face that needed protecting.

It was my stomach.

Asshole over here punched my stomach repeatedly until I was on the floor.

"P-please stop. Please. Y-you're killing me." I planted in between breaths. He's winded me, "Good." He smirked.

"Make her pay, Scar."

I tried to stand up again but my shoulders were held down. He punched my stomach again, "Hitting someone while their down, rookie move." I smirked.

I felt a split in my lip as I was slapped across the face. I heard my name getting called but I couldn't really figure out who was calling me.

Suddenly, I felt the barrel of a gun be pressed to my temple.

It was cold and metal and uncomfortable. I groaned and that earned me a slap.

God I hate my life.

"Of for fucks sake, do I have to pull the trigger myself? Why do you all keep teasing me with death but then never actually do it." I scoffed, folding my arms.

"Scar! I said don't kill her. Don't you ever listen? Idiot." Mason snarled, "Boss-"

Mason cut him off.

A gunshot ran through the air and I flinched, feeling the man above me go pale. Blood came out of his mouth and spilled onto his hands.

He flopped to the side.

Hey, at least it wasn't me.

I could breath a sigh of relief and let air back into my lungs, but only for a second!

Before I was attacked again by a guy who was shooting at us before.

"Give a girl a break, holy hell!"

I tried my best to fight him, but he was too strong. I eyed the gun in the corner of my eye falling out of scar faces limp hand and I wanted so badly to grab it.

I could hear the slapping of skin and the crunching of bones being crashed behind me.

"Stupid girl." The guy mumbled.

I reached out for the gun and he stood on my hand with his combat boot, causing me to howl in pain.

My fingers started to go blue and he didn't get off until I felt like I was going to pass
out. I heard a crunch as he stepped on me.

He broke my fucking wrist. Prick!

I cracked my wrist as I lay limply on the ground. He punched me again, repeatedly until I threw up blood on his shirt.

"Fucks sake- boss!"

Mason looked up for a split second and Paxton took that as his chance, be careful I mumbled in my head.

He used his fist to uppercut Mason, punching under his jaw, causing him to bite his tongue.

Mason screamed in pain and got off Paxton, swearing at him in gibberish with a swollen tongue.

Alex stood up, bloodied and bruised as he pointed a gun right at Mason.

Mason grabbed a gun from his pocket and then me by the throat, suffocating me as he held the gun to my head.

I clawed are his arm to let me go.

"Put the gun down mate, it's over." Mason said, "Let her go, or I'll kill you." Alex spat, gripping the gun tighter.

He released his grip long enough for me
to breath and muster enough strength to fight back.

I bit his arm hard enough to draw blood. He reeled back and punched me in the face as a reflex. But, he dropped the gun.

I picked up his and the one that scarface dropped earlier.

Drawing one at Mason, he scoffed, "You're not going to shoot me princess."

"Don't underestimate me bitch, I did it once and I'll gladly do it again."

I held the other gun to my head and I felt the room stiffen, "What are you doing?"
Paxton said, I felt the worry in his voice, "You want me alive so badly, I might as well kill myself."

My finger went over the trigger and I was about to pull it when I was tackled from behind.

But not before I heard the sound of a gunshot echo through the room.

* * *


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