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Elle McBriar
May 5th, 1 year and 162 days since the first zombie report

I pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park and leaning back to help Riley with his seatbelt.

He thanked me and climbed out, skipping to the house as he went inside.

I sat in the car for a little while. Actually- a long while. I sat in the car long enough to feel the hum of the engine slowly die.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the steering wheel. What I saw... I never thought it would happen again.

We were SO careful! We did everything we thought was right. How the hell did it get so wrong?

First we lose Gage, now this? What's next, acid fire? I probably shouldn't jinx it.

After finally deciding to get out if the car, I stuffed the keys into my pocket and started grabbing the stuff from the trunk.

"Hey." I mumbled, my voice echoing. "Hey, where were you?" Penny asked me, emerging from the living room, "I was getting the stuff." I avoided confrontation and eye contact.

"It doesn't take 20 minutes to get food from a car." She argued, hands on her hips. "It does if you have no help and only two hands, Penny."

She followed me outside and helped me bring stuff inside, "What's really going on? Riley came in and started talking about humans? Apparently he saw one."

I gave her an eyebrow raise as an indication to be quiet. "I'll tell you soon, but not while Riley is in the room, okay?"

"Hey! Did you get the stuff?" Paxton asked, helping me put stuff away. "I think so. You wanted the green one right?"

He nodded and pocketed his green toothpaste while pulling himself up on the bench.

Alex and Megan entered the kitchen, no baby in sight, "Okay so what the hell is going on? Why did you radio and say there was a code blue?"

When we first moved here, we made up code names. Everyone had to memorise them. And when Riley and the baby get older, we'll make them memorise them too.

Code Yellow is - fire, storms, natural causes. Things like that.

Code Green is - accidents, wounds or anything that needs medical attention.

Code Red is - zombies, obviously.

But Code Blue is something I had hoped we'd never have to use. Code Blue is humans.

* * *

"I checked it's pulse almost 4 times. It was still alive." I shuddered. I was leaning against the bench for support as my knees fell weak.

"Do you think it still is?" Alex asked. I shrugged, "Doubt it. It was so weak when I got there and if it didn't get the right medical attention by now, it's long gone."

When we don't know the gender, we call them an 'it'. "I just can't believe it's happening again! We followed everything correctly." Alex said angrily.

"It came out of nowhere. Riley said he saw a human in the parking lot and I didn't see anything. So either this thing is a fucking shapeshifter and can move like the light, or it really was nothing."

We all sat in silence for a little bit. Contemplating, thinking. "So, what are we going to do?"

I shook my head, "What if they're after us? What if they know we're here?"

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