thirty five

978 49 12

Elle McBriar
May 18th, 1 year and 175 days since the first zombie report

He was waiting on an answer, staring up at me hopefully. 

I blinked away the tears and nodded my head ferociously at him, still not being able to speak, "Yes. Yes of course I'll marry you you idiot!" I squealed. He placed the ring on my shaking finger and picked me up, spinning me around.

"Whats with the house?" I asked, wiping my tears, "Well honey, welcome to our new home!"

I think I almost passed out at this news. I jumped up and down and kissed him all over until I couldn't breath, "We're getting married!" I screamed.

He held me in his arms and I couldn't help but smile, "Oh my God I'm getting married." I squealed. Paxton laughed and I looked over to his handsome face. He had a tear rolling down his beautiful face. I wiped it away with my thumb before kissing him.

"You make me feel alive." He whispered, "You've already made me cry twice, don't do it again."

We had a look around the house for a bit before deciding to head back to the others, "Do you think they'll be happy?" I ask, "They helped organise everything, so I hope so." 

As we entered everyone came running over, asking a million questions a second, "Well-" Paxton held up my left hand that displayed the shiny ring, "She said yes." 

Alex jumped over Paxton and hugged him so tight while the girls fangirled over my ring and wouldn't shut up about how beautiful it is.

"You're so lucky. I would die if anyone got me a ring like that." Megan said, wiping away a tear, "It's so big and shiny, I love it!"

* * * 

That night in bed, I was too excited to sleep. 

I stayed awake half the night admiring the ring. Every 5 minutes I would hold my hand up to my face and gaze at the ring, feeling tingles every time. I had to make it was real and I wasn't imagining things.

Every now and then, that ringing noise would blow up my ears but it would go away. Sometimes it would go away quicker than it started, other times it would last a long time. I can't really place it. I convinced myself I'm going deaf.

Paxton was laying on his side, back to me asleep as I lay flat on my back staring at the roof. I'm too excited to sleep.

I sighed and sat up, leaning my head against the wall. I smirked as an idea came to mind. Stretching quickly, I slipped out of bed and got changed into the lingerie I bought the other day. When I got back into bed, I leaned over and kissed Paxton's shoulder, running my fingers down the side of his stomach that was exposed to me.

He stirred in his sleep and fluttered my hand away, "Pax." I whispered, he groaned, "Paxton." I said a little louder. He finally flipped over and peeked one eye open, "What? I'm tired." He yawned. 

"Do you wanna have sex?" I said. He sat up in a flash and pulled my body under his, catching me by surprise. I squealed and he hushed me by kissing me, "It's our first night as an engaged couple." I reminded him, "I wanna have engaged couple sex and see if it feels different." 

* * * 

To keep things short and sweet, it was different. 

It was more... pleasure-filled. 

I love him, he loves me, and that was reflected into each other. 

When I went downstairs the next day, Elaine was smirking at me while sipping her tea, 
"What are you staring at woman? Do I have something on my face?" I asked her, she shook her head, "No it's nothing." She chuckled.

Alex came in next, "Man, I can't wait until you guys move." He mumbled, "Say that to my face, Alex!" I tested, "Tell that to your knees and the scratches on Paxton's back, Elle." That shut me up.

A blush rose to my cheeks as I sunk lower into my chair, "Goodmorning friends, bestfriend, beautiful fiancé." Paxton smiled. He put emphasis on the 'fiance' as he kissed my forehead.

"Today is moving day people. It should take approximately 30 minutes because we have a bag of clothes and a toothbrush." Paxton said.

"Right, you guys should get right on that. Because then we get your room." Alex said wiggling his eyebrows. The buzzing noise kept me up all night so when I yawned, my jaw almost locked because I yawned so much.

"I wish that stupid noise would stop my God, my head hurts." Elaine whined, rubbing her temples, "I agree. It's so frustrating." 

"I'll pack my bags and meet you next door." I kissed Paxton briefly before skipping up the stairs, almost tripping because I was staring at my ring.

"Can you bring my bag down? It's sitting by the door?" Paxton called, I noticed it and made a note to bring it down after I'd finished packing.

Which took a while, because for some reason, I had accumulated a lot of clothes?

"What is taking so long, babe?" Paxton said, out of breath as he leaned against the door frame, "I have a lot of clothes. And books and tampons and stuff." I frowned, glancing over the messy room, "Just make it quick okay? We need to set things up before we clean."

Meeting the others next door, I jumped up and down in excitement as I realised this is my new home. 

We cleaned everything, the windows, walls, ceilings. It was kind of gross- since the house hadn't been lived in, for over a year. There was dust and bugs cobwebs surrounding everything.

I almost died choking on a dust bunny. 

"Looks good honey." I complimented, admiring my fiancé's body as he worked shirtless outdoors, "But you're frowning?" He said, standing up, "I'm just annoyed because the neighbors have a pool and we don't." I pouted.

He chuckled, "Don't worry. We'll be installing one very soon. Why do you think there's is so small?" He winked, "Okay but we have to get a spa then." He nodded, "Anything for you." 

I feel like a princess.

* * * 

hii allll

how are we? 

just a question, what do you guys want to see in this book? fights, nameless characters, kidnappings, attacks?

i have thought about a virus, but with everything going on, i decided against it, only because it's such a touchy topic and i wouldn't want to trigger/offend anyone!

let me know :)

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