twenty one

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Elle McBriar
May 14th, 1 year and 170 days since the first zombie report

Pulling my feet through the heels and securing them with a buckle, I sighed.

We had gone out searching today for fancy dress items. It was a little hard since we'd never really explored Washington other than to find grocery stores but we managed.

Since we're all too busy saving the world to find appropriate dress attire, none of us really new what we needed.

I settled on a simple black dress that had a slit up the side of the leg. Not too plain that says 'I'm boring' but not too slutty that says 'I want to fuck your dad'.

Not that it matters.

I don't even know why we're going to this thing anyway. It's not like we have to go. Although the notecard was, extremely intimidating.

I turned on my heel to find Paxton struggling with his tie. I smiled down at the floor and lifted my hands up, pulling the fabric through the loop and tightening it at the top.

"Thank you." He said quietly.

We were all a little on edge.

"Once we get back, remind me to give you your birthday present." Paxton whispered in my ear.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I smiled, "I know. But I did anyway, so suck it up."

He kissed my cheek and took my hand, "You look beautiful by the way." I giggled at his compliment and did a twirl, he held out his hand and I took it, "You don't look too bad yourself."

Walking down the stairs to the others who were all dressed appropriately.

Even Riley had on a little suit and tie. "Don't you look handsome." I smiled, bending down to his level. "Thanks! Alex says I'm the perfect suitor. Whatever that means." He smiled.

We all piled into the one car, anxiously and awkwardly staying silent as we tried to find something to distract ourselves with.

I sat on Paxton's lap, his hand circling around my waist. We should be used to driving at night, seeing as we're the only ones on the road. But it's still a little scary.

"Well this doesn't look creepy at all." Elaine mumbled under her breath as we stared at the giant mansion that stood tall and proud.

Since it was dark, the shadows from the wilting tree made it seem haunted. Who knows, it probably is.

Alex drove up to the gate. It was closed.

"You need to press the button."

He reached out to press it when a robotic voice came through, "Name."

"Uh W-Winchester party?"

There was a silence before the buzz of the gate clicked and it slowly opened. We drove on in, holding our breaths as we drove up the driveway.

There was a sign saying 'guest parking'. Alex pulled into the parking lot and parked close to the building.

"Here goes nothing."

I stepped out of the car, the slight breeze chilling my skin. I hadn't let go of Paxton's hand since we got into the car. I've been too scared for that.

"Where do we go? Up there?" We argued for a bit, trying to find the entrance to the house.

Eventually, we decided to knock on the double wooden doors that was guarded by an electric fence. "This place gives me the heebeejeebees." Riley complainer, squeezing my hand.

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