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Elle McBriar
May 16th, 1 year and 173 days since the first zombie report

After dinner, we put the kids to bed and settled down for some drinks. I had a wine (a few actually).

"Don't you think you've had enough, babe." Paxton asked me. I was sitting on his lap, his hands resting around my waist.

I ignored him and downed the glass. If I was going to do this tonight, I needed the confidence.

Elaine was just as tipsy as I am, pouring another full bottle into my glass, fuller than the last one.

"Cheers." She burped, completely kissing my glass as she bumped with the air.

I heard Paxton sigh and I smirked.

It's working!

"So what'd you girls get up too?" Alex asked, gazing lovingly at Megan.

I'm jealous of their perfect love. Even though I have my own perfect love right beside me!

"I just hung out with the girls, nothing exciting." Megan explained, smiling at Alex. Paxton looked to me and asked the same thing.

I shrugged, "We went out. Did some shopping, the usual."

Penny giggled and covered it with a cough, looking up at me.

I yawned, hiccuping slightly.

"Right, well I'm going to bed so I don't feel this in the morning."

They bid goodnight to Elaine.

"Goodnight babe." She smirked, winking at me. I winked back and she stroked my shoulder with her sultry hand before walking to her room.

I eyed her and her ass she sauntered away.

"Okay what the fuck was that?" Paxton said. He riled underneath me.

I felt his hands grip my hips as he shoved me off him, glaring daggers at me. I shrugged, "What was what?" I asked innocently.

"Cut the shit Elle. You've been acting weird all day, now this? What was the hot little shit show? Did you cheat on me with Elaine or something."

I scoffed, "Wouldn't you like to know." I mumbled, brining the wine glass to my lips once more.

Paxton took the wine glass from me forcibly and placed it on the table. Half of it spilled on my grey shirt and I stood up in anger.

"Look what you did, idiot. Great, now I have to get a new shirt. Thanks." I said angrily.

This was NOT part of the plan.

"Wait- honey I'm sorry!"

I felt my heart flutter when he called me honey. I love his pet names for me!

I left the room, but not before hearing Paxton's footsteps behind me.

As I reached the room, he closed the door, "What the hell is your problem?" He hissed, looking at me.

"What's my problem? What's your problem? Jesus Christ." I spat.

I must admit, he looked so hot when he was angry. Like, turning me on with his words angry. But I won't let him have that satisfaction.

"What the hell are you talking about Elle?" I ignored him and lifted my arms over my shoulders, flinging the shirt off.

He visibly flinched as his eyes raked over my body. He swallowed, hard as his eyes met mine again.

"What the hell are you wearing?" He said with a raspy voice. That made me weak in the knees.

I gulped, keeping my cool.

"Oh this? Something I got today. For you, but now, I don't think you deserve it."

I shimmied out of my jeans and his breath got caught in his throat. I smirked.

My hands went to my waist as I stood my ground, standing confidently with my hands on my bare hips.

I decided on the two piece set, because my looks nicer and because it's easily accessible to get off.

He walked towards me and I stepped back, he stopped immediately and eyes my facial features.

"My fucking God- are you trying to kill me?" His face hardened as he walked over to me, "No. No touching, you pissed me off." My eyebrows furrowed.

"Okay, I'm sorry I pissed you off princess, please let me taste you."

My legs felt like jelly at his words as I quickly lifted my hands up to my breasts. I squeezed them quickly before I saw Paxton's face flick from serious, to playful, to horny.

I squealed when I felt his hands go to my ass. He lifted me up and pressed me against the wall, his lips ferociously devouring mine as I gripped his hair.

And all of that jealousy and anger I felt for him today completely melted away. I was angry? What for? I don't know.

"Oh God Pax." I moaned, digging my nails into his back, "You're so fucking hot Elle I can barely contain myself."

He let me got and trailed us to the bed. He pushed me down, spreading my legs apart with his hands as he crawled up my body, kissing my stomach and up to my chest and then my lips.

His touch tickled, and I laughed, feeling my love for him return even stronger.

He groaned against me, the vibrations sending shock waves to my nervous system.

"Please tell me you were planning on us having sex tonight." He moaned, biting my lip, "Of course." I nodded.

His tongue danced with mine.

"I love you in this babe but oh my goodness I need it off."

His fingers hooked under the material of the waistband and he pulled it down to my ankles. I heard it tear a little bit, "Are you kidding me?" I said, annoyed.

He smirked, "I don't care. I have another one." His eyes darkened as he took his belt off, sliding his pants down his legs.

I suddenly got excited and positioned myself onto the bed, getting comfortable as he fished in the bedside table for a condom.

"We're running low on these honey, we need to get more." He painted, tearing the silver foil.

I shrugged, "I don't care. Just shut up and kiss me, please."

"As you wish ma'am."

He smirked, peppering kisses down my body before kissing my lips again.

"God I love you." I screamed, "I love you too beautiful girl."

* * *


this was a little steamy hmm?

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