thirty seven

877 49 20

Elle McBriar
May 20th, 1 year and 177 days since the first zombie report

Waking up to an empty bed is a lot more scary than it should be.

Until I heard the water in the shower running and I breathed a sigh of relief.

When he came out, I wolf-whistled and he turned around, shaking his wet hair all over me, "Stop it you oaf!"

"Do you hear that?" He asked, a sense of discomfort on his face, "Hear what?"

I stayed quiet and sure enough, a small rumbling sound was heard in the distance, "What is that? A bulldozer?" I joked, "No shh for a second." He presses his index finger against my lips and I glowered at him.

Picking up the radio, he signalled to the others, "Are you guys hearing this right now?"

Suddenly, the room began to shake and I sprinted out of bed, almost getting caught up in the sheets as I ran to the doorframe.

Paxton was standing under it with me, holding my hand and the radio with the other.

Once the shaking had successfully stopped, I took a shaky step onto the wood and took a breath.

"It's okay, it was just an earthquake. We've had them before." He shrugged, "I know. But it's still scary."

He kissed the top of my forehead as we got ready to head to the others."

I picked up Paxtons towel that he has thrown on the floor and hooked it over my

For a split second I caught eyes with the Elvis poster and I froze.

I swear it moved. The eyes of the poster moved.

"Pax, can you come here?" I called out, suddenly frightened for my life. "Paxton?" I called out again.

After hearing no response I walked backwards, my eyes trained on the poster. I almost stood on the rug and slipped but luckily I caught myself.

"What are you doing?" I heard. I jumped at the sound of his voice, "I- um, nothing. Where were you?"

"Checking to see if the house was okay? We just had an earthquake." I didn't reply, instead, I kept my eyes on the poster.

"Can you take the Elvis Poster down and smash it, then throw it in the trash." I scolded, "Why? You love it."

"I decided it's creepy. And do it now, please."

He picked it up off the wall and headed straight for the door. I sighed and turned to the wall where the poster was.

I gasped and dropped everything I was holding.

Written in red ink, underneath the poster, I told you I'm watching you.

A heavy breath escaped my lips as my voice got caught in my throat. Running directly out of the house, I found Paxton discarding of the poster behind the house.

"Woah, what's going on?" He asked.

"I think we're being haunted by the people who used to live here!" I said with frantic eyes. He began to laugh, "You can't be serious?"

I stared into the bin, knocking it over, "You're cleaning that." He argued.

I picked through the pieces of broken glass frame, "Elle, you've got cuts all over your hands, stop." He tried to pry my away, "Paxton stop."

I picked up the poster that was inside. There was nothing odd about it, just a simple poster.

"These eyes followed me this morning. I'm sure of it." He looked at me like I was crazy, "Have you been sleeping lately?"

I rubbed my eyes, "Pax I'm serious. I need you to believe me."

He placed his hands on my shoulder, "If you believe that the people who used to live in this house are now haunting us, then sure, I believe you."

He picked the glass off the ground and plucked the poster from out of my hands and shut the bin, "Now lets go, they're waiting for us."

* * *

I was in a sour mood.

Not because Paxton didn't believe me, but because he told the others and they thought I was crazy.

"Don't touch me." I swore, when Paxton tried to hold my hand. He raised his hands in surrender and moved away.

I folded my arms and sat with my legs crossed on the couch. I had a drink in one hand and permanent middle finger in the other.

While they were all conversing, I found my hand go to my neck.

I rubbed the rough skin, where the electric shock collar used to be. I rubbed the callouses and smoothed it over. Something I did when I was nervous.

I felt a buzzing, almost tingling feeling in my neck and thought it was the alcohol.

"Elle, you okay?" Megan asked me, staring over in concern, I nodded, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I stood up, "I'll come with you-"

"I don't need you calling me crazy, Pax." I spat, walking to the bathroom.

Closing and locking the door, I stared at myself in the mirror. God, how can someone as beautiful and kind as Paxton love someone as ugly and insecure as me.

I rubbed the skin on my neck, frantic when I found a small bump near my vein.

"Pax, come here. Do you feel this?" I said suddenly, emerging into the conversation again. He stood up and rubbed the bump in my neck, "Shit, what is that?"

Penny stood and rubbed the spot too, "Is it a pimple or something?" I scrunched up my face, "No. I've never felt it there before. It doesn't feel like a pimple."

As I rubbed my fingers over it, I realised it moved, "Holy shit." I suddenly felt dizzy, "I- I think it's inside me." I stuttered, "Don't be ridiculous."

I glared at Alex, "Come here and feel it for yourself then medical genius."

As they all took turns feeling up my neck, my cheeks had gone bright red and I wasn't feeling too hot.

"You guys don't look good either."

"I don't feel too hot." Elaine said, taking off her shirt. She was red in the face, "Is it the alcohol?"

I shook my head, "Turn around." I said, motioning to Paxton.

He turned around and I lifted my hand to his neck, feeling around.

When I felt the bump move under my fingers, I pulled it away.

"That stupid fucking bump just zapped me." I said, sucking on my currently toasted finger.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I think the buzzing is coming from us."

* * *


did you expect that?

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