fourty three

837 49 5

Elle McBriar,

Mason has come back three times before completely erasing us for almost 24 hours.

I'm done. I want to grab that knife and stab myself with it. Maybe then, I'll actually die.

"I want my kid to grow up with his Dad." Alex suddenly said.

I looked over to him, he was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall with his legs stretched out and hands crossed.

"Right now, my family is the only thing keeping me from going crazy." He said in a murderous voice.

"We're gonna get out of here Alex, we just have to wait for the right time." I reassured.

He didn't reply to me. 

I was still chained, hands and legs and I officially couldn't feel anything in my body. It had gone completely numb. 

"Elle." I heard Paxton's sweet voice, "Yes?" I say tiredly, "Why is your engagement ring on the ground?" He asked me.

"Oh my gosh you found it? Mason ripped it off my finger and threw it away. I cried for an hour thinking I'd never find it again." I sighed in relief, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

I watched him stuff it into his pocket before leaning back against the wall.

"AYE." Alex screamed, banging on the wall with his fists, "Alex stop-" I said, "AYE!" He screamed again.

The door opened suddenly and Mason walked in, a sinister look on his face, "What do you want? me to feed you? Wipe your ass?" He hissed, everyone stayed quiet, "Thought so. Shut the hell up." He spat. Apparently, Alex wasn't happy with that answer, "Why are we here Mason? What the fuck do you want with us?" He grit out through clenched teeth.

"You'll find out, soon enough. Until then- Grizz, grab her." Another man who I'd never seen before came in. He had light hair and dark eyes, grinning evilly at me as he unhooked the chains. My arms fell limply at my sides as I felt all the blood run back to my fingers. It tingled and I felt like I could fall over.

"What are you doing with her?" Paxton spat, "Leave her alone!" The boys yelled. Grizz ignored their screams and continued to unhook me. I felt useless, I'm too weak to fight back and he knew that - he threw me over his shoulder as I felt blood rush to my head.

"Let me down you bastard!" I fumbly hit his back, a weak attempt to fight back. 

We left the room and my fight or flight response immediately went up. I'm on high alert now, knowing that I'm not with my boys and they can't protect me. I would trade anything to be with them right now. I'd even be willing to be hung upside down if I was still going to be in the same room with them.

"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Quiet." He spat out. I rolled my eyes, "Rude. I was just asking a question." I scoffed, "Boss said not to tell you anything." 

I mocked his voice, "Your boss is a psycho. If I were you, I would get out of here as quickly as you can, and far! It's absolute hell here!" 

He grunted in response and I was dropped on my ass, "Careful mate, precious cargo you're throwing here." I hissed, rubbing my sore tailbone.

I waited for him to leave, and even counted to three until I heard the lock click, "There we go."

 In an attempt to stand, I gripped the wall and held onto it with all my might, the grooves of the wall digging into my fingers.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked, glancing around the empty room.

It was an empty room - plain white walls, white ceiling and a concrete floor. It looked like a hospital room. There was a single vent bolted to the wall, a broken whiteboard hung on the far wall and a blood stain was spread across the floor.

I made a face, gruesome. 

"Hey uh Mason? Quick tip- if you're going to kidnap someone, it's usually nice to leave them something to do. Especially if there's a whiteboard and no pens!" I shouted, my voice hoarse.

I sat on the floor and tucked my legs under each other, counting each bruise, scar and dried blood spot. My arms and legs were extremely red from the overload of blood flow. But I had dried blood and scratches around my ankles and wrists from the chains being too tight.

I wasn't wearing shoes and I was upset because those were my favorite shoes! But I still had my socks on, which is a bonus.

"Can someone at least tell me what time it is? Or what d-day it is?" 

I suddenly felt very cold. 

The lights in the hallway clicked off and then slowly, one by one, so did the lights in my room. It was silent, pure silence as nothing but the sound of water dripping from a tap and a fan whirring was heard. No footsteps, no shouting, no nothing. 

I tried to sleep but sleep never came!

* * * 

But when I awoke the next morning, there was a parcel by my feet. 

I sat up and winced at the aching pain in my shoulder from sleeping on the concrete. 

I picked up the parcel and shook it, praying that it wasn't a bomb. When I heard something rattle I opened it hastily. Peering inside, I noticed a black whiteboard marking.

A ghost of a smile played on my lips as I picked up the note attached to the pen;

Use it wisely - Grizz

I flipped the note over and then opened the cap of the pen. The tiniest screw driver I had ever seen fell out of the cap. It was maybe the size of a push-pin. Almost like the ones you get in those stupid Christmas crackers that you pull and prizes come out.

Thank you Grizz. I silently pray, slipping the tiny screwdriver into my bra and then the note into my sock. If I somehow do manage to escape, I wouldn't want Grizz to get into trouble. 

The lights had come back on. Obviously there was cameras in here if Grizz had managed to hear what I was saying about the whiteboard pen. I remained calm, picking up the whiteboard pen and flicking the cap off.

I took the whiteboard off the wall and began doodling, lying on the floor and kicking up my feet.

Now, we wait!

* * * 


i'm so excited for the next few chapters :)

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