fourty two

853 47 2

Elle McBriar

I don't know what day it is, or what time it is. I don't know what happened to the boys or what's going to happen to them.

All I know is, I haven't seen or heard from anybody in almost 12 hours.

I managed to hobble to the wall, where I sat up against it and tried to open my lungs to breath.

I was drifting off to sleep when the door opened. I tried to open my eyes but a fist came flying to my face and I was knocked out.

Now I'm standing against a wall, my hands chained above me and my feet shackled to the floor.

My head is swooping dangerously low and I don't know if I can keep going.

"Keep your head up, I'm no where near done with you yet." I heard Masons shrill voice echo in my ears.

I lifted my head just enough to see him standing in front of me. An unidentifiable object in his hands.

"Wh-where's my boys?" I mumbled, feeling my words spill over my tongue, "They're alive, for now. I only need you, and once I'm done with you, I'll let them go." He smirked.

"Let them go now." I said angrily, banging the chains against the concrete wall, "Don't worry. I'll let your little fiancé live. It'd be such a shame for him to die while you're still alive."

He plucked my ring off my finger and examined it, "No Mason please, give it back. Please." I cried, pleading with him.

He chucked it behind him and I heard it bounce before it stopped. Hot tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Shit stain." I hissed, "Colorful language there Elle."

"It's only reserved for people I absolutely despise. Like you. Fucking asshole-"

I screamed. A fiery feeling scorching my aching skin. Mason was using the taser in my again.

I thrashed against the wall, feeling my t-shirt rip and scrape against the concrete.

"S-STOP, PLEA-PLEASE." I yelled.

It smelt like burning flesh as Mason continued to tase me. This is worse than the shock collar. Because I can feel it on every inch of my skin.

From the tips of my toes to the top of my head.

When he finally stopped, I cried and choked on my own sobs. "Don't go anywhere." He laughed, "Oh wait, you can't."

He left the room whistling some tune that gave me an immediate headache.

What a wanker.

* * *

Throughout the day... or night. Mason came back to torture me. Tasing me here, beating me there. 

I'm his very own personal punching bag.

And he won't let me forget it.

I tried to turn away from him, but he kept snatching my face back so I was staring him right in the eyes.

"What do you want from me." I cried through swollen eyes, "Haven't you done enough."

"I'm just getting started."

I felt the tip of a knife pierce the top of my thigh and I squealed, feeling it drag down.


"Feel the burn bitch, feel it."

I could feel the blood trickling down my leg, sticking to my bare feet that barely touched the ground.

Once he was done, he dropped the knife and it clattered to the ground.

it echoed for a bit, drowning out the noise of my own heartbeat in my head.

I looked down. To me, it looked like a W, but then I realise it was an M.

The bastard carved an M into me.

I wanted to cry all over again.

What the hell am I going to do?

Shit. I should've left that goddamn tracker in, maybe then the others could've high jacked it and saved me!

Speaking of, "HEY!" I yelled, "Get your asses in here! HEY."

The door swung open and I flinched, "Shut your stupid mouth before I make you. I'm sick of hearing your voice." Mason whined, mimicking me with his hand, "Imagine how I feel." I mumbled.

He picked up the knife again and I winced, "I just want to know if Paxton and Alex are safe. If they're safe, I won't try to escape, or leave."

His ears perked up as he looked over at me, "If you let them go, and I have proof that they're gone. I won't try to escape. Or leave, or insult you anymore."

It was the half truth. Actually, no truth. I just needed him to believe that.

He stuffed the knife into his back pocket and picked up the radio, "Hackett, bring the two idiots in here."

The door was opened not a moment later and I saw Paxton and Alex come in with two guys behind them.

"Baby." Paxton said to me. He thrashed in the guys arms, only to get a punch from Mason, "Don't! Don't provoke them. Please." I pleaded to them.

Paxton was hunched over and Alex has a stern look on his face.

The guy who was behind Alex, kicked him behind his knees so he fell over, "Don't hurt him! Please don't hurt him! You promised."

"I don't stuck to promises." Mason fumed, "Well good thing I do." I hissed.

The guys stopped at a hand gesture Mason offered them and they left.

"You- stand up." Mason said, pointing the knife at Alex's forehead. Alex slowly rises, hands above his head as if asking to surrender.

Mason grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him to the rear wall, chaining his feet up.

"You said you would let them go." I whispered, "You said that, little girl. I never said anything." Mason spat.

God, he really is crazy.

Paxton was next, still hunched over and groaning.

"Leave them alone!" I screamed. My voice breaking, "Oh shut up would you. God you give me a headache." Mason roared at me, throwing the knife so it landed above my head.

I was breathing heavily, "Don't hurt her Mason or I swear to God I'll-" Paxton threatened, "You'll what? Go tell your Mommy?" Mason taunted.

"I'll kill you myself."

"Good luck with that. Your girlfriend already tried and look at me, I'm still here."

Mason left after locking the chains around Paxtons ankles.

"Now that's not fair!" I called out, "How come my arms are in shackles but not there's? I thought you wanted to okay fair, asshole!" I screamed out.

"Elle- stop. I don't want him to hurt you again." Paxtons voice absolutely broke me. His tired eyes and stiff body.

"I can't feel anything and all the blood is rushing to my head." I joked.

But for a while, all there was, was silence.

Tired, defeated, silence.

* * *


this kinda made me extremely sad

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