fourty five

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Elle McBriar,

We climbed on our hands and knees through the vent, barely fitting. We moved slowly, suffocating as the smoke filtered through the gaps and into our noses.

"It's a chemical gas, meant to kill us. We need to move faster."

We turned left and right and then at one point we slid down. So either we're underground and have just gone further, or the slide-vent led to another vent that we could climb out of.

"Where'd you get the tiny screwdriver and knife from anyway?" Alex asked, keeping the conversation light. I shrugged, "Grizz, the guy who took me from you guys slipped it to me while I was sleeping." Paxton grunted, "Fuck him."

I ignored his comment and continued to take lead, "I know this is a bad time, but your ass in my face is a great distraction from the whole we're about to die thing." Paxton said. I could hear the smirk in his voice, "Shut it you two oh my God. I would rather die then listen to you two a second longer." Alex groaned, "Chill."

We passed multiple fans and air vents that led to nowhere. It was like 400 degrees in these vents and I could feel the sweat dripping off my body, "There- I see a light." I said, crawling over to it. My hands had blisters on them as I continued to push my palms on the hot metal.

I glanced down, seeing a bright light shine into a room. There was nobody in there. "It's Mason's office." I said, "How are you sure?" He asked, I pointed to the couch, "He bought me here when I was first taken. I recognise the couch."

Slowly but surely unscrewing the bolts in the vent, Alex slipped the handle of the knife into his palm and took a hold of the vent, "See you on the other side." He said.

He jumped down and landed on his feet, standing up and dusting himself off.

Paxton went next, and then me. Because I wasn't wearing shoes, Paxton lifted his hands up and caught me half way so I didn't A, get ground shock and B, break my ankles.

The flashing lights had finally stopped, although I could still faintly hear the alarms.

"Okay, what now? How do we get out?"

Voices were heard outside the door and I started wide-eyed at the two petrified boys in front of me. Our only option, behind the couch, under the couch, or back in the vent.

Once the knob started to spin, I dove head first behind the couch, Alex and Paxton not far behind. The door opened and I heard Masons's voice.

"I want you to find them right now. And bring them to me. Preferably alive, but if not, that's fine. But leave Elle to me, I want to kill her, a slow and painful death." He chuckled sickly and I saw the boots of the other men leave the room.

The door was shut. I held my breath as Paxton's hand gripped my own, fingers going white.

A few buttons were pressed and the automated voice turned off. I heard a drawer open and then a few rustling of papers. And then nothing.

The door opened and closed and then it was silent.

Alex peeked his head over the top, sighing in relief, "They're gone, quickly, hurry!"

We stood up and huddled in the middle of the room, "We need to get a gun, or something that we can shoot, we'll be too exposed if we go in with knives. And I saw a radio on someone's hip, we need to signal the others." Alex ordered, "Yeah I agree. Check all the drawers and cupboards, see if there's anything you can find to defend ourselves." Paxton said.

I looked in his desk drawers, finding nothing but stupid papers, gum and a bottle of gin.

Alex came out empty handed, with a slip of condoms and a half melted candy bar, "What a sleaze." He scoffed, "Jack-fucking-pot." Paxton laughed. He pulled out a small handgun and checked the barrell, "Fully loaded. We get one shot at this, and this time, he stays dead." Paxton nodded at me and I nodded back.

Here goes nothing.

* * *

After exiting the office and creeping down the halls, I kept jumping every time I heard a noise.

Talk about PTSD...

"I'm beginning to think there's no way out of here." I mumbled, giving up hope.

We had passed a few guards who didn't even see us. Shit security, Alex reminded us.

"We need to find a window. Anything that will give us an indication of where we are."

We started looking. But this place is like a dungeon, "What if we really are underground?" I bit my lip and a worrisome look came over my face. 

"Wait... I remember this place." Alex said, looking around, "This is where Mason first dragged us in." Paxton added on.

"If I remembered correctly, there's a door that leads to a foyer right through-" He pushed on a door that opened straight away, "Here." He smirked proudly.

Quickly walking through, he closed the door, "Now- we leave. If I uh- remember where it is." Alex said confusedly, "It's okay dude, take your time. It's not like we're being hunted down or anything."

Alex gave Paxton a look before he opened all the doors.

I heard shouting from one of the doors and my hair stood on end, "Is this where we finally die?" I asked, my voice shaky, "Were not gonna die." Paxton assured me, "You don't sound so convinced." I pouted, "I promise."

We all stood in a circle, our backs to each other as we looked for a way out.

"It's a fucking maze. I'm done- w-were done for."

The door opened and a smirking Mason stepped through with 6 of his men behind him, "7 to 3, that's hardly fair." Alex tested, seeing a scowl form on his face.

"Good thing we're not here to fight. If you surrender, we won't hurt you, and you'll stay together."

I scoffed, "Bullshit. You don't stick to what you say. And besides, I'd rather just kill you."

He laughed, "I'd like to see you try."

That's when all hell broke loose. Mason's guys pulled out guns and began firing at us. Fortunately, there were doorways, boxes and lots of furniture we could hide behind. 

Unfortunately, we were separated. I was laying low behind a stack of boxes labeled 'dangerous' that's oddly scary.

All I could hear was the sound of gunshots going off and I prayed that my boys weren't hurt.

My nose burnt from the smell of gun powder and my ears rang from all the noise. Shouting, shooting, screaming.

Blood was shed, and I hoped it was none of our own.
I didn't have anything to defend myself. Paxton took my knife and Alex has the gun. I could make a run for it but I'd probably get caught in the crossfire.

Better not risk it.

* * *

will they make it out alive?

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