thirty one

936 47 18

Elle McBriar
May 17th, 1 year and 174 days since the first zombie report

Last night was spectacular.

I had never felt so much love and pleasure than I did last night. I think Paxton enjoyed it because he was passed out in my arms.

It's around 8 in the morning and I woke up with a slight discomfort in mouth.

I'm paranoid because I think my wisdom teeth may be coming through and if that's the case, I will be screwed.

He's snoring light on my chest and twitching every so often. Why do guys do that?

He blinked for a few seconds and then lifted his head, confusingly looking around the room.

He smiled and showed me his award-winning smile and I giggled, "Last night I dreamt I had the best sex of my life." He winked, tickling my sides.

I squealed and pushed him off me.

"Where are you going?" He whined, clinging on to my legs.

"I'm still kind of mad at you." I laughed, "What? Why?" I shrugged, "I don't know. You were acting all weird and secretive and you won't tell me why."

He laughed and then it trailed off. He avoided my eyes for a second until he realised I was glaring at him.

"What do you want me to say babe? That I actually was having a guy talk with Alex? Or that we were conspiring against you?"

"The second option. I'd feel better."

I stretched my body and stood up, opening the curtains to let in some fresh air.

There was a knock at the door and I quickly slipped on a random shirt I found on the ground, "Yes?"

"Hey- killer legs! Do you wanna go out today? I was thinking we could take a walk along the forest line." A very excited Elaine said.

I looked back at Paxton who just shrugged, "Uh sure? Can I eat first?"

"I packed a picnic. Just get changed and let's go."

I pulled on some pants and realised she was still standing there, "Do you need something else?"

"You guys really went at it huh?" I choked on air, "What?" She snorted, "Your underwear is on the ceiling fan, Elle."

I didn't dare glance up. But she was smirking, "I'll meet you downstairs."

She giggled and closed the door. As soon. as she left I looked up and a blush rose to my cheeks, "Shit. We really need our own place." I groaned, hiding my embarrassed face in Paxton's chest.

He rubbed my head, "Soon honey, soon. Once we've eliminated this threat."

I sighed, "Now go. Get ready for your lunch date with Elaine." He smirked. I sat up and looked at him, "What now?"

"You're not fighting me on this? Usually you'd be begging me to stay or would yell at me if I didn't have you or Alex with us." I narrowed my eyes.

I waited for a response from him but he remained calm, "I seriously think you're overthinking everything."

I ignored him and got changed, despite his pleading cries for me to change.

"I'm wearing this and that's final." I snapped, tying my laces, "But it's so sexy." He groaned, "Let me got you leech! Elaine is waiting." I shook him off me as he called out goodbye.

I was met with Elaines smiling face as she carried a picnic basket between her hands.

"Ready sweet thing?" She asked. I nodded.

* * *

We took a walk along the first line, watching the shadow of the tree stumps as the sun got brighter.

I mean, it was only 11am.

"So how are things going with you?" I asked once we'd taken a seat. We were by the old seating area now, sitting on a blanket Elaine had packed for us.

She shrugged, "What do you mean?"

"Sexually? Romantically? In general." I shrugged, "Well, not much luck in the first two departments, unless you know of an lesbians who are alive and willing to have sex with me."

I almost spat out my water at her comment, "I'm sorry Elaine. It must be hard." I sighed.

"It is. But I'll get over it. We have more important things to do anyway." She giggled, "Like what?"

"Like build a vegetable garden, and a spa. We also need more cars, and school books to teach Riley how to function properly."

All of her statements were true, and it would take a long time to do all of this, especially during winter where it would be cold and nothing would really grow.

"Wouldn't it be cool if we could move into a celebrities house." She gushed, I nodded, "It would be awesome. Big luscious rooms, comfy beds, ginormous fridges."

"Imagine though. Who's house would you want if you had the option, a Kardashian, or a Justin Bieber."

I thought about it, chewing slowly on a stale cracker, "A Kardashian. Only because I'm a female and they probably have lots of clothes and makeup I can wear." I smirked.

"Oh yeah so tell me, how was last night with your boo." She wiggles her eyebrows. I reminisced back to last night, "It was honestly perfect. He's- perfect. I love him so much Elaine. I never thought I'd ever love someone as much as him, but I do. And it literally consumes me."

Her cheeks were red and her eyes were wide, "You guys are so cute."

"There's someone out there for you Elaine." I joked, "Yeah, they're probably dead."

She clinked my glass and we talked about everything and nothing. It was nice, having someone to talk too.

When we got back to the car and Elaine packed the stuff in the backseat, she got in and looked at me, "What do you wanna do now?" She asked, "Uh- go home?" I asked, confusedly, "No come on. Don't you wanna do something fun?"

"L-like what?"

"Like go try on some clothes? Go bowling or something?" Is she joking?

"You know what I've always wanted to do." I smirked, "What?"

"Go to that abandoned mall on Polar street, near the fountain." Her eyes widened as she stepped on the gas, "Here we go then."

* * *

hello lovely readers

what'd you think of this chapter???

also, why do you think elaine is trying to get elle out of the house? >:)

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