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Elle McBriar
May 22nd, 1 year and 179 days since the first zombie report

The next day felt odd.

We were all on edge.

I've felt a tingle in my body ever since I woke up. I don't like it.

After we found out about the trackers, Alex and Paxton went our first thing this morning to go in search of more weapons.

We were just patiently awaiting their arrival.

"Co.. de..."

A voice came through the radio. I snatched it off the counter, "Hello?"


"Alex? What's up?" I asked, "Yeah- I need you guys to come down here. Now."

"Why? What's wrong?" I said.

"I just- come here. Washington Mall, now."

"Yeah okay I- I'm on my way."

I grabbed the keys and was about to leave when, "Where are you going?" Elaine interfered, tapping her foot.

I sighed, "Alex needs me to go pick up something. I'll be back." I open the car but it's slammed shut by a hand.

"You almost took my fingers off. Chill." I said, "I'm coming with you."

"No you're not. Go back inside."

"I'm older than you." She argued, "And? Paxtons my boyfriend. And if Alex wanted you to come, he would've radioed you."

"Well why can't I come?" She pouted.

"I'm guessing because it's dangerous out there, and I'm already taking a big risk leaving." I sigh.

She glares me up and down, "Then you shouldn't go alone." Her arms flailed everywhere and I laughed.

"I'll be fine." I hopped into the car and turned on the engine.


I rolled my eyes, "Yes Mom."

Driving off and seeing Elaines retreating figure, I started to worry again as Alex's words replayed in my mind.

Although, once I'd arrived, all worry drained when I saw my handsome fiancé and cute friend standing in the parking lot.

"What've you got for me?" I say, stepping out of the vehicle, "Trip wire. Booby traps- the whole lot." Alex started off.

I tilted my head so they would explain more.

"I went to the storage room in search of a map or something I could use to unlock the firearms cabinet in the gun store and I noticed a trip wire as well as a beeping noise." Alex shrugged.

"So we looked around a little more and realised the whole place is filled with them." Paxton sighed.

"Great. So not only are we being tracked- but we're also being hunted! Perfect- that's just perfect." I scream, rubbing my temples to try and relieve some tension.

"Come on, we've made a path, but we've gotta be careful."

We entered the store and immediately my stomach drops. There's a weird draft and it's eerily cold.

"You guys don't feel that?" I ask, "No we feel it. But choose to ignore it."

I shake it off and continue behind them, falling into every step they take.

I'm presented with the gun store. Which looks like it's been raided, but it's still got some good stuff.

"Okay so where are our traps huh?"

Paxton pointed to the roof. I followed his fingers along the eyeline of the roof where a wire ran along it.

It led to a door that was shut and there were barely visible clear wire stuck around impossible corners.

"So whoever did this is either an assassin, or worked for the government." I laughed, finding no humor in my somewhat true joke.

"What do we do now?"

"Alex and I have mapped out every wire and all we need to do is step carefully over them and grab what we need."

I shrugged, "So why'd you need me?" I asked, "Because you're the tiniest and can fit through the door."

I glanced at the door and nodded my head, "Okay fine."

While the guys stood outside, sticking there heads in to tell me what to grab, O was navigating my way through trip wire trying not to get blown up.

"Okay- grab that hand gun on the counter right there." Alex points.

I reach over and pick up the gun. But the corner of my eye catches something. Blood.

A trail of blood.


"Hey guys." I say, suddenly extremely nervous, "What?"

"Is there supposed to be blood down here?" I follow the trail of blood around the room. I look up and scream.

"BEHIND YOU!" I scream, an ear-piercing sound ripping through my throat as I watch someone in a ski mask hit Alex over the head with a bat.

Thankfully it was a wooden bat and won't do too much damage. It still made him fall over. But the bat broke, so it's not much use anymore.

"Get out of there. Quickly. Now." I tried my best to not step on anything while tears blurred my vision.

I made it out, only to fall on top of Paxton who caught me from jumping.

"Alex? Alex honey, are you okay?"

Paxton ran after the douchebag while I tended to Alex, "Son of a bitch." He groaned, holding his head, "Let me see."

There was a small cut with a bit of blood dropping down his neck.

"Okay, you're fine. Get up, we have to help Paxton."

* * *

Alex and I stayed close together, grasping knives and guns in our hands and we searched left and right for the guy who attacked us.

"I should've known this was a set up. From the moment I walked in here." Alex sighed, "No. Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known, okay?"

Suddenly, the lights went out. I felt Alex stiffen beside me.

I felt hands gripping me. I tried to scream but a hand was covering my mouth.

I kicked and thrashed about and tried to get free but it was no use.

I tried to kick whoever it was behind me but they seemed to know my moves. I felt the hot stench of something burning my nose and I realised I was being drugged.

I felt a little light headed as I was being dragged across the mall floor.

I continued to fight but I felt myself getting weaker. I saw white spots.

Don't give up Elle. Keep fighting.

But when the cloth was pushed into my mouth and I began to choke...

My world started to fade away.

* * *


here's the action you started for >:)

but just you wait, you ain't seen nothing yet!!

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