Chapter Two: Blockbuster

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Song of the chapter;: Best Thing I never had ~ Beyoncé

"So, when is she giving you the money?" Abdul's question stops me in my tracks. I was pulling off my hijab just after praying Zuhr prayers. I let the orange stretchy material drop back unto my body before slow

"What money?" He sighs and looks everywhere but at me. "The recommendation money fa. You're supposed to have collected it by now." I make a face at him and he points at me, shaking his index finger from his seat.  "And don't give me that face. You're too slow." I shake my head.

It's been two days since Ali's insistent pushing and Abdul told me of his trip to Kano and a single moment of peace has not been my own since then. He talks about money at any available time. Money! Money all the time.

"Abdul, we've been married for two years and six months, you're supposed to know me better. How would I just accept a product, not use it, pretend to my followers that all is fine and dandy, only for them to buy rubbish?" I shake my head again before continuing, not believing Abdul's attitude for a second.

Anger reels through me at the audacity of his request so I shout, "No! I will not. You know my style, they send me the product, I test it, if I don't like how it is, I send the remaining back and don't recommend to my followers. Too many people bank on my reviews for me to be lying." On Instagram, I have about half a million followers I grew all by myself, hard work that I will not throw unto the streets because of Abdul's greed.

He hisses and crosses a leg over another, pulling out his iPhone 11 promax and typing rapidly on it. "Abdul?" I call. "Yes, Mrs two-goody-shoes?" I rear back, hurt. Goody shoes? All because I won't take money falsely? Who is this Abdul? Has this man changed right under my nose?

"Abdul," I start gently, walking further into the living room where he is sitting.

"Remember  you taught me not to take things without earning them, you taught me right here in this living room how to be a proper Muslim and that includes not taking what I have not earned! Why then are you trying to make me do this? Isnt this lowering your own standard?" He doesn't reply me, instead, he gets up and leaves the living room. I sigh and flop unto the huge comfortable chair I spend time on but the plushness of the chair doesn't do any good to what is hurting my heart.

A thought occurs to me just as I relax, didn't Abdul take three hundred thousand out of our joint account last week? What does he need more money for? I jump out of the chair and rush to ask him.

"Husby?" I lovingly call when I get into the dimly lit room. "Uhuun?" His answer comes to me from the left side of the bed, so I go there, pull the drapes backward, spilling some light over his dark skin. If there was one thing, Allah blessed Abdul with, it would be his abundantly clear skin and amazing hair, so i drool over that before asking the dreaded question.

"Why did you withdraw that large amount of money from the joint account without telling me? I thought the agreement was, you'd tell me, then we'd decide if the purchase was important before making it. How can we save for our own house if you keep this up?" My voice rises at the end because, I just cannot help myself. I had a headache when I saw the alert last week.

"I used it to pay some bills and buy my sisters some really nice things. Bella has been bugging me for a new phone." Bella is his youngest sister Fauziya who is just like Abdul; greedy and very disrespectful.

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