Chapter Forty Three:Date With Baaba

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"She's on in five."

I heard the gaffer come in to the trailer I shared with a supporting character to tell Zainab what I already know. It's one of the last scenes in the movie and I'm a bit nostalgic, also one of the hardest, most expensive since I have to get it all on one take.

I looked through the page of the script on my lap again in trepidation, knowing that if I don't know my lines now or how to portray them, it will be a huge loss.

"Zainab, let's go." She nodded, got up, picked a small no internet phone and called the gaffer who came to call them earlier. He told them where they were needed and they began to walk over there. The area around Usman dam was soggy with water, but an area around it was very dry as though there was no source of water around it.

"Ah ma, this your leather jacket is something else oo, it shining in the sun as if they poured oil on it." I rolled my eyes and forced myself not to laugh out loud as she teased and praised me repeatedly. I suddenly stopped and she slammed into my back, I turned around and watched her from my vantage height point. "This one you're ogling this jacket, do you like it?"

She shook her head with a smile and I turned around, flipping the ends of my calf length leather jacket that hid my black jeans, turtle neck top and gun hostler. My hair was hidden in a black cap that kept my hair well away from sight. My feet were well encased in Yellow leather boots that were my trademark.

"Let's go see what they have for me today?" She smiled and followed me. I have an affection for Zainab, knowing she has my back anytime means the world to me, nothing could fight the fact that she's part of my life, of the success that is now me.

When we reached the main set, it was around the very dry land in the area, reminding me we're doing a car blowing up scene. I walked to the Umbrella, where the assistant director Teni Adebowale was waiting for me, she winked at me and sent me a look at the fuming white director.

"You're late." He said by way of greeting, I smiled at him apologetically, he nodded. We've had this back and forth since shooting began and Teni says she thinks he has a crush on me and the only he can express it is by getting angry even when I'm just a minute late for anything.

Teni doesn't look at him anymore, stifling her laughter, she shows me parts of the script she wants my attention on. The only unfortunate part is, we have to do the entire scene in one full take, no retakes.

"Why?" I ask indignantly. That is a lot of pressure to put on any actor, even if they're Will Smith and don't have retakes. She rolled her eyes and passed me a look that only Nigerians understand, 'Ask him'.

Seeing her look, I sighed. It's only a test, it will help me get better at my acting. So I rolled my shoulder and nodded, Teni smiled at me and spoke into a microphone to the camera people, light people, and even the tech guys. She wanted everyone in attention.

"Ah, Miss Teni, the dynamites and the officers are here. They've asked you and Mr Greenwood to take delivery of it." A messenger delivered information from the gate of the set. I stepped aside and watched as Teni and Mr Greenwood rushed to where the vehicle was waiting.

The law of the Nigerian army states that, especially in the light of terrorism in Nigeria, every explosive will be taken delivery of by army officers and a commander, to ensure no terrorists have hold of explosive devices. I'm sure that's why they're here as my last scene for today has me walking in front of two blown up cars, my enemies in it. I mutter a dua for safety as I wait, because, Allah forbid it, anything could go wrong and it could all go horribly.

"Beebah, you're up." I walked to the main set, unzipped the leather jacket and watched the gaffer show me how to walk around the cars to ensure me leaving there in time, making sure my clothes don't snag anything, he also explained how many minutes I had to spend acting, so I nodded heavily. All the information was in my head, I retained all.

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