Chapter Twenty Five: Layla's Birthday with a death twist (2)

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Hey guys, I know I've jokingly said you should get tissues and all but as I type this, my heart is beating gbim gbim. This was one chapter I could not find the strength to write.

But, you all must understand above all things, that this was bound to happen. Nothing could have changed it. I can only tell you all to please be nicer to other women, to be your sister's keeper. To stand with your sisters in name, blood, by association and even sisters you do not know, even sisters not in the same religion as you are.

Because, this life, as a woman, is hard. We cannot even imagine how hard it is for many women. What we mustn't do is make it harder for other women.

Happy reading.

"I hope you enjoyed yourself?" I sent him a nod and a smile as I sidestepped a puddle that came from a light drizzle that rained while we cut Layla's cake. Sa'ad, Layla, Ma'mun, Kamil all children of Abdullah Lamido. I heard that much from Layla.

Ma'mun is the first, Kamil the second, Sa'ad the third, and Layla the forth and only child of her mother. The rest were from Alhaji Abdullah's late chadian wife who died when Sa'ad was six which explains his exotic looks and hair. Layla who apparently likes me a lot, found a way to whisper to me details of their family that even Google could never have given me.

"Ya Ma'mun is a neurosurgeon. Ya Kamil is a Lawyer and busniessman while Ya Sa'ad is the family's protector. They are all unmarried and a source of headache for Baba and Maama." We had giggled together like teenagers when she said that, before her friend called for the cake to be cut.

When I got to the car, he opened the back seat door to place the party pack I received as thanks on the seat. He shut the door and walked forward to me where I was cleaning water off the edge of my strapped sandals. I adjusted the jeans I'd worn to cover my ankles well before continuing my chore.

"Thank you so much. I am very thankful. You came here even after I was so rude to you that day." He shifted his feet and I suddenly saw how shiny his shoes were. I raised my eyes back to his face and nodded.

"It's fine. It's all settled now. Okay?" He nodded and gestured for me to get in, he shut the driver's door after me and I  unbuckled my sandals before turning on the ignition. Zainab had messaged to tell me she had to leave early and I'd let her. I waved at him and put the gear on reverse to leave the parking lot.

As I drove, my phone rang and I emptied my handbag on the seat beside me looking for my airpods to receive my call with. I found it in the last ring and quickly swiped the call with my eyes on the express.

"Ma?" I asked her. She sighed and my heartbeat suddenly soared. "Is everything okay?" She sighed again and I had to find somewhere to park as my hands were shaking hard. I was cussed at by other drivers but I didn't care.

"Abdul is back and his wife threw me out." A dull sound started at the back of my head and in less than three seconds, my whole body was shaking from the anger I felt deep in my soul.

"I'm coming." Ma tried to say other things but I cut them off and drove like a mad woman from where I was parked. There are two things to never annoy me with, my parents and my parents, I'll kill you in blind anger.

Soon, I was turning on my blinkers to drive into my street. Some car was idling at the entrance but I horned till the driver was forced to jump into the vehicle and move. Less than a minute later, I swerved into the parking lot making my car tires screech.

I found Ma in the lobby. Her luggage beside her and the little words I'd said to myself to calm down flew out of the window. I'll beat that useless witch till she receives some measure of sense.

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