Chapter Four:

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This chapter is for my darling Harunafaree who I miss so much. 🤗🤗Thank you for being so amazing 💙

I've left y'all a little glossary at the end because some people accused me of writing as though I had only a target market. I don't. I want everybody from everywhere to comman read my work so please ehn, do this baby a favor and tag your friends.

If you're reading any of my books and you like them, please follow me here on wattpad. Share my work if you'd like to do so, I may not see it but I'll be grateful.

There are no footnotes today, so happy reading.

The door opens as I pull off the old threadbare navy blue hijab I used to pray Isha¹ and wear my scarf. My aunt comes in holding my favorite large mug with my face on it, I giggle as I climb the bed, leaving space for my aunt to climb in.

She hands me the mug and the scent of Lipton tea, Milo and three crowns milk and a little sugar tickles my senses. I lift the cover and stir it with the spoon in it to take a dainty sip. I smile at my aunt thankfully, safely keep the mug on my bedside table and lean on the wooden headboard.

"Labibi? How are you?" I shut my eyes and exhale. "Nothing Ma. I'm fine." I call her Ma and she calls me Labibi because when my parents just died, many things reminded me off them, I tried not to let myself forget their memories, so I made new ones with my maternal aunt and her husband.

"Nasan bakya kano saboda jin dadi², if you were here for comfort, you'd have stayed over at Abdul-Mumin's parents house which is where you should be anyways, but I know, like a mother knows her daughter that something is wrong, so pray tell me." I laugh at her English connotation and cover my face  with my hands.

"Well, I'm here for comfort since I don't get to work myself to the bone at Abdul's parents house all because I want to be the perfect daughter in law." She nods, waiting. "I just wanted to come here and be pampered by you both."

She nods again but pats my crossed legs before speaking. "I've heard the rumours. Your uncle thought you knew and you were too hurt to call, so we left you. Now we know what had happened.

Abdul is getting married in a few weeks. Today, they took the lefe to the bride's house. Her family lives about four streets away from us." I shrug. As I had said to myself, I do not care.

"I don't care Ma, whatever he does is his business. You know? As long as he doesn't bring her to my house. Even if he does, I'll just have to bear it. I cannot be unmarried, people just see it as a type of grave sin. It just confirms all they have said and will say about my job as an actress." She inhales deeply and shakes her head, I see tears shimmering in her eyes.

"Oh Ma, don't cry please." I beg as I uncross my legs to put my arms around her. "I really don't feel pain. Okay?" She nods in my arms and pats her eyes dry, making me calm. I go back to my original position.

"If he brings her to your house, don't throw a fit please. I beg you. They'll just single-handedly drag your good name in the mud, which is what we must avoid at all costs." I nod. She swallows and continues.

"If he brings her, allow him, welcome them, ask for a roaster and quietly get yourself an apartment. For you to have some peace and quiet. Because the only reason this is happening is because your joy and peace is about to be tested." I nod. I don't even have a better idea, so I'll just do as she says.

"I'm just disappointed in how cowardly he is behaving, one would think that he would have come to your Kawu by now. This is reprehensible behavior whichever you look at it." I smile sadly at her unconcealed vehement irritation with Abdul.

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