Chapter Forty Two: Sister In Law(s)

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"Iyamé, good morning, what's for breakfast?"

I asked as I stepped out of my room in my beautiful Senegalese boubou with embroidery at the neck and some more beautiful embroidery at the sleeves and full hem. The beautiful blue fabric lifted my mood when I wore it earlier after taking my bath and I haven't looked back since.

"Pap and akara. Something to stabilize your stomach till lunch." I nodded and sat down at the dining table. Kaka and my uncles really splashed on this place, the furniture was Turkish, the marble Italian, the setup so beautiful and everything seemed so new everyday.

"Thank you Iyamé." I thanked her and muttered Bismillah before I began to eat, bearing in mind I have to get myself to the set of an internationally funded movie in about an hour. Iyamé left the dining room where she always waits for me to finish eating before asking the day time maid to take my plates away, so I followed her with my eyes.

She reached the door and unlocked it, bringing in the smell of rain and Zainab. I automatically smiled at my personal assistant as she allowed Iyamé to take her umbrella and she walked towards me with a smile.

"Good morning ma." She greeted, I nodded, quickly draining my pap bowl and getting up. I don't want to be late, people have begun to talk that I get late to events now because my father is the vice president. As much as I don't want to listen to people or hear what they have to say, I just have to prove them wrong by getting to places early enough, never give them ammunition for more fire.

"What are we doing today asides filming?" She followed me further into th living room where I exchanged my crocs for a pair of Zara flat slippers. I need to be comfortable, I'm doing a superhero movie and my superhero outfit is a little on the uncomfortable side.

"We're going to do an interview with Hausaroom. You're pretty good as you are, maybe you'll add a veil." She looked my dressing over, I nodded,picking up the black bag Iyamé had placed over a folded silver stone veil, I looked myself over as I wrapped the dense cotton veil around myself and nodded in appreciation.

"Let's go." At the door, she put away the tab and opened a wide umbrella over our heads, making me hasten my steps to the idling vehicle, the bus's door opened automatically when we reached it, and while Zainab busied herself with closing and keeping the umbrella, I greeted my driver Baba Garba, he leaned over and greeted me back quite effusively, like he used to every morning for the past two months since he picked me and Huda up from the helipad.

Kaka picked him and Iyamé, while my father sent the maids, don't ask me I have no idea if my father runs a domestic help agency. I just know those women are formidable, they can fight, can throw unwanted guests out and just do their jobs so well.

"Baba Garba, we're going to the movie set at usman dam." That was our code for the superhero movie set. Zainab leaned back from her perch where she had discussed with Baba Garba. She picked up her bag to bring the tab she had dropped in it and sat next to me.

"At noon, your scenes end, you have lunch with your friend Rabiah, then the last fitting for your father's campaign inauguration party. That's all on today's schedule." I nodded and leaned into the well upholstered seat I was on. My father's political party was doing a campaign inauguration shindig and Baaba asked me to be his date, Kaka said lowly on the phone when I informed her that he wants to show off that he has a daughter and that I should allow him.

"Ma," Zainab started, without looking up from the tab.  "A particular number has been calling and sending you emails since last week. She says she's a friend and you're going to know her. Her name is Layla." My eyes lower of their own accord in deep thought, I don't remember any Layla. Then a surname pops in my mind, prompting me to ask Zainab.

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