Chapter Thirty Four: Huda

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Four Months Later

"Amina of Zazzau is out on Netflix." I wheeled myself to the living room to meet Huda turning on the television and getting ready to connect the laptop to the television. She made a pillow fort near the huge one hundred and thirty inch television and just as the first opening sequence came on, she leapt up, paused the movie and helped me out of the wheel chair.

"I wonder why you didn't let us go watch it at the cinema. It was so successful at the cinemas. It stayed in the box office for six weeks. Six weeks!" She lamented as she helped me to the floor and put the  largest pillow behind my back.

I held her just as she got up to get the remote. I swallowed before saying; "Huda." She turned to me with soft eyes and pushed the pillow a little more. I smiled, she's been so caring. I really didn't know anyone could be so genuine, so pure at heart and so beautifully made.

"Thank you for these past few months. You've put more light in my life than I've had in my twenty four years. I'm just so grateful for all you've done for me. I pray for you everyday that may Allah S.W.T bless you beyond measure, beyond your thoughts and beyond everything you've ever thought." Huda didn't let me finish before wiping a tear and hugging me tight. I rocked her back and forth till she giggled.

"You've gotten strength back in your arms ba? No wonder you can hug me so fiercely." I laughed lowly. I waved her away and she turned to the television. Turning it back on.

I saw the picture I took a the day Abdul pushed me and it evoked mixed feelings in me. Flashes of the event went through my head and a slight pain came after it.

"I didn't know you could ever do something like this." I turned to my cousin, I didn't understand what she was talking about so I put a questioning look on my face.

"Well, look at you! Shouting back when pressed down." I laughed. The scene were I shouted at my film elder brother who was king was a powerful one. He tried to sell his sister out for more power, but she caught him at his own game.

I watched Huda focus all her attention on the movie before asking her, "When did you find out we're cousins?" She paused the movie again and turned to me, turning completely to me.

"Why do you ask?" She countered and I smiled, not replying her question. Her own smile bloomed at the corner of her lips before she sobered and said,

"Grandma told me. Sometime just after Ramadan." I counted in my head and something occured to me.

"So, when you came to snap me, you knew I was your cousin?" I watched her nod and I leaned back on the pillow.

"Did you move into the complex knowing you're my cousin?" She nods again, but this time she's in deep thought. "When I found out, I was watching one of your YouTube videos on the television in Grandma's house. Remember that one where you told us your Ramadan planner. Grandma sat down beside me and said slowly 'Do you know you're relatives?'

I don't think I've ever been been more surprised in my life." She contemplated something and then giggled out loud. "I think the only other time I was that surprised was when Hashim asked me to marry him after a promotion." She put her hand under her chin in more contemplation.

"Then I returned to Abuja and all I wanted to do was talk to you. Remember how we many times we nodded at each other in the elevator, or the times we'd just say the Salam at the car park. I really wanted to be close." I reached out and patted her face.

" Fate and Destiny has its own way of pulling us together. It might not have been the accident, it could have been something else. Don't stress it." She nodded and put her head on my knees.

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