Chapter Thirty: Yaana Bakura

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Please oo, after this one. I'll just jejely find my way offline, no more. My break has begun.

You can tell me your thoughts about this chapter, with your stories on Instagram  @theomoope.

Aso Rock Villa, Vice president quarters

2:10 pm.

"What do you mean you failed? Oh my goodness, you fool!" A surge of rage came over her, and the facade, beautiful, cool, calm, collected, resourceful woman that she was on good days broke.

She was drinking her favorite oolong tea in anticipated celebration when a young girl just over nineteen rushed in in black jeans and top, black hijab tucked into her top rushed in to say that the attack was foiled and she failed.

The cup of tea that she was enjoying happily in anticipation of the only thorn in her flesh dying went smack against the beautiful face of the girl squatting in front of her and blood dripped down the wound, a pulse began beating thump thump at the temple of the girl.

"I hope you were not caught?" The girl shook her head. She blinked the blood that had dripped onto her long lashes away and waited for further orders.

"Punish yourself. By now they're already spooked and will move her away from there. Especially now that my husband knows she exists," She bit her lower lip, wondering how soon was soon enough to kill that bane in her existence. B.B Bakura was already in the know and he'd soon start sending security for the bastard. She shut her eyes and in her mind's eye, she saw the photo of the bastard's mother that B.B Bakura left in his study since she had married him and groaned out loud.

"Monitor the hospital closely, get that foolish boy for me on the phone, infact, get him here as soon as possible. He'll go and complete the job he started." She waved the girl away and the moment the girl left the room, She angrily pushed the table that held her best Chinese tea set and the entire set shattered to the floor, the expensive green tea seeping into the pure white rug that was used to decorate the room.

Then she smiled, a beautiful smile that the newspapers, social media talked about all the time, the smile that disarmed all her enemies till they became fodder for her feet.

"Labeebah. You escaped today, I'm not sure who  saved you, not another time though. You're going to die." She said and rang for another tea.

Diezemane Hospitals

Eyes wide, they watched the video shown to them by the hospital.

"Do you know anyone who could have done this?" At Dr Ma'mun's question prompted Labeebah's aunt into really seeing the video again. All she saw in her mind's eye was how Labeebah gasped for breath over and over before Dr Ma'mun got to her.

"I don't know any one with this level of evil intent. She's just an actress, who could she have offended. My little baby is just being herself, she's never hurt anyone not could she hurt anyone." Dr Ma'mun nodded, he knew just about that himself.

"I know. I just worry about her as my patient and her safety. Since someone could plan well enough to come into Diezemane through the ceiling." Labeebah's aunt didn't speak, her husband rubbed her hands that were clasped in her lap.

"We'll think about your idea and get back to you." They shuffled out of the office, but immediately they got out, she fell into her husband's arms and cried hard.

"Ibrahim, who have I offended?" She asked her husband with plenty anguish written on her face in the crease of her cheeks and the way she lifted her hands in asking. Her husband looked around before carrying her bodily to the set of aluminum chairs that served as waiting room.

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