Chapter Twenty Two: The YouTuber

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"Madam, we're done." I got up. Holding the bag that houses my camera, ring light, laptop and nearly everything I hold valuable, I follow the woman back into elevator, struggling to hold the bag next to myself before letting the lift door slid shut.

"I'm so sorry I called on short notice. I hope you and your partner are not angry?" The lady, a far older woman than my Ma, she wringed the rag in her hand helplessly and I sensed she wanted to say something.

"The kitchen was very bad. Why did you let it be like that?" I shook my head as I watched the counter reach four and the elevator pinged. " I've not been around. That's what leaving a man all by himself causes." I laughed nervously and she laughed with me. I opened the door and she followed after me, my mouth dropped as I got in.

The whole place was gleaming, even the television screen and the stand. I turned to look at her with a smile and she smiled shyly back, making my grin become wider.

"Lemme pay you guys." I said as I walked further into the house to my room and as I turned the door, I saw that they had folded my clothes and hung some. I sighed, may Allah bless these women beyond measure. I picked my purse and went out to both of them, handing them small wads of five hundred naira notes before calling their boss to ask for the bill. They left, thanking me profusely as I saw them to the elevator.

I picked the heavy bag again and took it to my room, I'd set it down in the living room when I came in. As I set up my laptop and plugged in my ring light, I asked myself how I got here. How I made marriage such an integral part of me so early on in my life that I chose a bad partner.

Although, much of the blame cannot be put on me, the heavy part of it, must be on Abdul who intentionally showed off himself as Mr Perfect-on- the-way-to-becoming-angelic and made me feel like my life would never be complete without him.

Probably the fact that I was urgently looking for someone to be my husband can not be ruled out, I told everyone I met my requirements in a man such that when I saw it, I just didn't think it could be a farce.

As I put the camera on the tripod, I switched it to it's perfect position and went to wash my face. The bathroom was sparkling as well and quickly, I dried my face with a brand new towel and sat in my filming chair, pressed play on the camera and clasped my hands with a joyful look on my face.

"Hey guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel, it's your beautiful baby girl, BeebahShe." I pressed pause and wiped my eyes before taking on the joyful persona again.

"I have missed you all so much, I went on an unintentional social media break, I was away in a beautiful small village called Goron Dutse in Kaduna north where I filmed one of the best roles I've ever taken on. Details will come later, but I've added beautiful photos of myself, my amazing assistant and some of the other cast for you to see.

And the sunset? You need to see this country guys, it's beautiful.

So, let's get into today's topic." I stopped for a moment and laughed to let them know I forgot something. "If you haven't subscribed to my YouTube channel," I made a face, " How exactly did I offend you? Ehn? Please help my market, subscribe and share the videos if they matter to you." I blew kisses and shifted back to settle down comfortably.

"So, today's topic is your conscience and taking people's things." I clapped my hands for extra emphasis.

"Let's be clear, taking people's things without permission is stealing. It's Haram, it's against any religious belief I know, so why do people do it?

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