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       {It's from bad to worse}


                🌹STACY POV🌹

"What you did was wrong Stacy. I don't want us to get into trouble with the royal family."

"Mom I couldn't just stand by and let him insult me for a mistake that was clearly his fault."

"I know, but sometimes you just have to so things are better ignored. He's certainly going to come after you."

"Then I'll be waiting. He can't just mess around with everyone, not me."

"You've got guts just like your father."

"I am not like him mom and the last time I checked, I don't have a father. I need to be left alone." I walk into my room. I am back to my jobless self once again. Thanks to Mr arrogance.

   *         *         *

             🌹CALEB POV🌹

"Can you believe that commoner had the guts to speak ill of me?" I fumed in anger.

"We both know you were wrong. I mean you basically splashed drink on yourself and blamed it on the girl."

"I don't care!! She's a nobody and she has no right to speak ill of me. I'm gonna humiliate her just as she did to me. I mean look at it, it's all over the internet."

"Let that girl be. You just don't go about insulting people and don't expect a retaliation. If you ask me, you got what you deserved."

"Then I'm sorry, because you won't be there to save her from what I am about to do her." I smile as an idea hit me.

"Oh no Caleb, when you smile like that its means you've got something evil on your mind. What are you gonna do to that girl?"

"Stick around to find out. I need to be left alone."

"Just don't do anything stupid."

"You act like mom. You are my kid bro remember?" I raised my brows at him.

"Whatever." He huffs and walks out of my room.

I am Caleb Windsor, prince and heir to the throne. No one messes with me and gets away with it. That girl is surely gonna get it hot from me.

Crazy bitch! I'm gonna break those wings of hers.

                      *        *       *

                  🌹STACY POV🌹

I sat at my mom's coffee shop exhausted. The customers came more than expected today and we basically had to work our ass out.

For the meantime, mom says I should help her at the shop till I get a suitable job.

"Hey girl!"

"Cynthia!!" I called out surprised. Cynthia is my childhood friend but we lost touch when she relocated to America with her family some years back.

"Fuck girl you really haven't changed." She spoke with an American accent.

"Changed? You forgot about me remember?"

"I'm really sorry. I lost my phone and all my contacts."

"I understand. How have you been?" I asked.

"I have been cool."

"Wait a minute. Cynthia!!" Mom says walking in.

"Ah mama." She ran to hug my mom. Am I the only one who thinks she's crazy?

"Mama how have you been?..."

"Miss Stacy a mail came for you."

"What this all about?" I ask the guy like he knew anyways.

"Never mind." I pick up a pen and signed on the book he gave me.

"So what's that mail about?" Mom ask.

"I hope it good news. I'm tired of receiving bad news."

"Why don't you open it and find out?"

I tore the envelope open as I unfold the letter. I sigh and read every word on it with a varying expression.

"I applied for this last year. Why coming now?"

"What is it?"

"It's a job to serve at the palace. I'm not taking it. I can't work under that arrogant prince."

"You are taking it. For what its worth, the pay would be higher and you can't reject an offer from the palace."

"Yeah Stacy. You have to take it." Cynthia says sitting beside me.

"I can't. Its obvious he's trying to get back at me."

"You are taking that job Stacy and its final!!"

"But mom..."

"This discussion is over. I am your mother and you will do as I say. You should probably apologize to the prince." I hate it when she talks like that.

        *       *        *

"You are going to be fine honey. Just try to stay away from the prince and don't talk back at him."

"I will try." I shrug. God knows I'm definitely gonna talk back at him. Asshole!

I smile and hug her.

"Take care mom."

"I'm gonna miss you."

" I'm not going forever. I will come visiting." I smile at her before leaving.

"Bye mom!" I wave at her before entering the taxi. She waves back as the car sped off.

After a long ride, the car came to a halt at the palace. It was a beautiful mansion to behold.

I paid the cab driver and stepped out of the car.

"You must be Stacy. The queen awaits your presence." A guard said helping me carry my things. I felt like a princess. Royal life is dope.

I was lead into the main house where the kings and queen lives.

"You must be Stacy." She said observing me.

"Yes your majesty."

"Your work here is quite simple. You will be the personal maid to Prince Caleb." I just hope it's not that arrogant asshole of a prince.

"Mom you sent for me." Mr arrogance walks in with his eyes not leaving me. I was already sweating in my pants. God I'm finished.

"This is the maid you requested for. Brief her on her duties. I will be in my chambers."

He smiles at me and I frown instead.

"What do you want with me asshole?" I ask.

"I can see you still lack manners but not to worry, I will cut you to size"

"We won't have any problems if you obey my rules." I looked at him in the eye between clenched teeth.

"RULE 1: Don't look me in the eye when I'm talking to you. It shows you lack manners and I won't take it.

RULE 2: Don't ever talk back at me and you must not speak when I'm speaking to you. Unless I ask you to.


Don't forget to comment and vote guys. I love you all.

🌺MY ANONYMOUS LOVER🍓❤️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat