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           {It's from bad to worse}


               🌹CALEB POV🌹

Wedding songs could be heard as the congregation stand to welcome the bride.

I watched the way Clarissa was being led by her mother. I wasn't happy and the frown on my face made it obvious. I so much hate her mom. Just as extravagant as her daughter and I also heard she's slutty in nature.

She doesn't look like someone whose hands are clean.

I sigh as she stands on the podium facing me. I could see her smiling through the veil. Her dream is about to be shattered right in front of her eyes.

"Today we are all gathered here for the solemnization of holy matrimony of Prince Caleb Windsor and Clarissa De la Rosa. I here by declare the ceremony open in the name of the father, son and the holy ghost." The priest announced.

"Now over to you. Prince Caleb."

"Do you Prince Caleb Windsor take Clarissa De la Rosa as your lawfully wedded wife to be by her side through thick and thin, and to love her wholeheartedly till death do you part?" I sigh and kept mute. Do I really want to spend the rest of my life with her? Of course I don't. This is all dad's doing.

"Caleb.." I heard her whisper to me. The congregation was silently waiting for my reply but it never came. I can't do this. I will never marry her.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as my eyes widened. Stacy is in trouble.

"Caleb are you OK?"

"Stacy" I mutter and proceed to walk away but she held me back.

"Caleb please don't do this to me." I could hear her sniffling.

"I don't love you Clarissa and I can never marry you." I hear everyone gasp as I heard the clicks of camera.

I smack her hands off me and walk out of the church.

"Caleb come back here." I heard dad yell but I ignored him. I walk outside and step into my car. My main concern now is Stacy. I can feel that she's in great pain and I feel her slowly slipping away.

How do I even get to her? I'm gonna talk to the prime minister myself. I ignite the engine and drove out of the church. After a long ride I halt at my house. The gatekeeper opens the gate and I drove in.

I walk into the house and slump on the couch with so many thoughts running through my mind.

"How disgraceful of you Caleb. How could you do that?" Dad yells walking into the house with mom and Arthur.

"Dad, Stacy is in trouble and I can't get married to Clarissa."

"I don't give a shit if she's in trouble. You are following us to the church right now to get married to Clarissa your wife." Dad yelled.

"I do no such thing. For Christ sake dad, I've been begging you for the past one month to help me find Stacy but you didn't even lift a finger. Now she's hurt because of your negligence. If you don't wanna help me, fine don't, cause I'm gonna look for her myself. And as for Clarissa, I will never marry her."

"Caleb watch it." Mom cautioned.

"Dad leave my house."

"What? You are asking me to leave your house? If you don't get married to Clarissa you are gonna loose the throne." I'm not scared of loosing the throne. I have all the money I need to live comfortably and the throne doesn't really freak me. He can take it for all I care.

"Honey please. You can't do this to our son."

"Father that's enough. You don't have to force Clarissa on him."

"I dare you Caleb."

"Then so be it dad. You can keep the throne." I tell him and walk away.


"That's it Damien. This is the height of it. How can you choose that lowly life Clarissa over your own son? I am highly disappointed in you."

"Dad you can't do this to Caleb. He has been your son all his life and he never for once disobeyed you. Is Clarissa really worth taking away his birthright?"

"I am the King and Caleb has no right whatsoever to go against my wishes. If he is willing to loose the throne because of the foolishness he calls love for that good for nothing Stacy, then so be it. He brought this upon himself." He says and walks out. Why does my husband have to be this stubborn? I don't know what that girl fed him with.

"You should stay with your brother. He needs you now more than ever now." I tell Arthur.

"Mom what's wrong with dad? I can't believe he would do that to Caleb because of that girl."

"I really don't know but I must get to the bottom of this. This is unlike your father."

"Ok mom." I pulled him into a hug.

"Take care of your brother OK?"

"I will."

                 🌹CLARISSA POV🌹

I can't believe Caleb had the guts to dump me at the alter. I felt uncontrollable tears sipping out of my eyes. I felt rejected and my name is allover social media and on the news too.

"Clarissa dear don't tell me you are still crying?" Mom asked.

"Why won't I cry mom? He dumped me and made a mockery of me. You needed to see how the maids laughed at me when I entered into the palace to look for him. Those useless servants mocked me mom. All because of Caleb. I'm gonna make him pay."

"That won't be necessary. Caleb is already yours. I'm gonna make sure of it."

"How are you gonna go about that? Caleb is strong willed and I don't think he will agree to marry me. Mom its of no use because even his father can't force him."

"Don't you trust your mother? We are one step away from becoming part of the royal family. Do you think I will let Caleb ruin that dream?" She smiled at me.

"Mom what are you gonna do? Tell me about your plans."

"If Caleb refuses to marry you, then he should prepare to loose the throne."...


What is Clarissa's mother up to? Watch out for the next chapter!!

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