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           {It's from bad to worse}


               🌹STACY POV🌹

I giggle as I pick up my ringing phone. I slid the answer icon and press the phone on my ears.

☎ "Hey bestie." Cynthia's voice comes alive at the other end.

☎ "Cynthia? You sound super happy." I roll my eyes.

☎ "Stacy he proposed. We are getting married." She giggle on the phone.

☎ "Oh my God that's great news. I'm so happy for you."

☎ "And that means you're going to be my bridesmaid."

☎ "More like a matron of honor."

☎ "Yeah something like that. How is your honey moon? I bet Caleb has already been hitting you hard." I bite my lips and blush as she said that. Memories of how we f*ucked last night flashed through my mind.

☎ "You're crazy."

☎ "Uhmm uhmm that means im saying the truth. Horny couple." She chuckles.

☎ "Cynthia?... Seriously let's talk about other things. You wouldn't believe what happened."

☎ "What happened?"

☎ "Some bitch tried to hit on my man right in front of my eyes."

☎ "Really? Hope you broke her bones." I chuckle at her words.

☎ "Well not really. It was a check in officer at the airport. Instead of checking our papers, she was busy blushing and trying to get Caleb's attention. She didn't stop there. She went ahead to write down her number on a piece of paper for Caleb."

☎ "Seriously? She's insane. Didn't she see you two together? Hope you gave her a piece of you?"

☎ "Of course I did. I tore the paper and flung it on her face after which I gave her a murderous warning."

☎ "She's lucky I wasn't the one. I would have killed her and sent her body to her parents."

☎ "Great idea. Her case is but a small one. The one that really made me mad was with one idiot at the beach."

☎ "Are you serious? Even at the beach?"

☎ "Would you believe this girl almost knocked me off in the pretense of taking a picture with my husband? But when I pushed her away, she asked Caleb if I was his sister." She burst into laughter as I said that.

☎ "Just tell me what you did to her. I know you would definitely do something crazy to her Stacy."

☎ "Of course I did. I pushed her into the sand and in the process, her drink splashed on her face. You needed to see her face, she almost cried." I chuckle.

☎ "That serves her right. I really think you should have given her the beating of her life."

☎ "I was seriously thinking of doing that but on a second thought, I'm a princess now and fighting will some how ruin my reputation. Besides, Caleb is already mine. She was just fighting for a lost cause."

☎ "Yeah you are right... My dad and mom will be relocating back to London." She giggle all of a sudden.

☎ "Oh nice. I really can't wait to see them again."

☎ "I have got another good news."

☎ "B.B.C too many good news?"

☎ "Are you hoping to get a bad news?"

☎ "No... Fine spill the good news."

☎ "Stacy your mom is pregnant."

☎ "Oh my God. Are you serious?"

☎ "Madam news caster. You couldn't even wait for me to deliver the good news to my daughter." I heard mom's voice. I think she's scolding her.

☎ "Mom I'm sorry. I just got too excited."

☎ "Mom is it true?" I asked.

☎ "Yes honey. I'm three weeks gone. It was supposed to be a surprise till you get back but B.B.C has already told you." I laugh at mom's word.

☎ "Mom I'm so happy for you. I finally get to get a sibling."

☎ "Yes honey. I wish your father were alive." I heard her sob.

☎ "I wish so too mom." I sigh.

☎ "When are you and Caleb getting back? Remember your father's burial is just weeks away?"

☎ "A weeks time." I reply.

☎ "Ok dear. Bye."

☎ "Bye mom." She ends the call.

"I really thought you weren't going to end that call." I turn to look at Caleb who was still on the bed.

"Well I did."

"Come here babe." I climb the bed and lay with him. He kisses my forehead and I smile.

"Pookie, Arthur already proposed to Cynthia."

"Woah! That was quick."

"Yeah. I guess so." I tell him trailing my fingers on his abs.

"Pookie, my first anti natal is today."

"Are you scared? Or Do you want me to go with you?"

"I think I would go on my own."

"You sure about that?" He stares at me.

"Yeah." I smile.

     *       *     *

I walk into the house and met Caleb in the sitting room. He was operating his laptop. My first anti natal went smoothly.

After running some tests on me, the doctor still advised me to get rid of my baby. There is no way I would abort my child, doctors are not God and I still believe that my child will be normal.

"Hey babe. You back?" He asked as he pulls me into a short kiss. He drops his laptop on the table and pulls me to sit on his lap.

"Yeah." I sigh tiredly.

"How was it?"

"It was fine pookie. There is nothing to worry about."

"Stacy do you think our child will be normal?" He ask sadly.

"As long as there is God, our child will be fine. Pookie I think now is the time to draw closer to God. We need him more than ever now."

"I really haven't been to church in a long time apart from our wedding."

"How long?"

"About six months ago."

"What the... Six whole months?"

"What about you? You act like you are different." He huffs and I chuckle.

"Well I haven't been to church since the Collins incident but its never too late you know? God is still willing to accept us."

"I never knew you were a church girl."

"Mom's handiwork. She always makes me go to church. She even made me join the choir but I fled."

"Seriously?" Caleb chuckles.

"Yeah. I couldn't keep up, it was way too stressful and I'm glad mom understood."

"This Sunday pookie, we are going to church."


Stacy and Caleb I'm church? How wonderful.

All too soon, the journey has come to an end. What do you think about the story so far?

Don't forget to comment and vote guys. I love you all. Please share.

🌺MY ANONYMOUS LOVER🍓❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora