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           {It's from bad to worse}


             🌹CLARISSA POV🌹

I search through my wardrobe still thinking of what to wear. Since it's a wedding and then a funeral, I decided to wear black.

But on the second thought, wearing black may arouse suspicions and I don't want any of that. Of course the royal family invited me to the wedding to spite me but since its also Stacy's funeral, I decided to go.

I would love to watch her drop dead and then I will stand beside Caleb to comfort him on the death of his wife. Eventually, he will fall in love with me and forget that bitch. I will be there to watch her being lowered into the ground, I will even drop flowers on her grave. How pathetic. I guess then all her blabbing will stop cause by then she will be dead. I smiled as all these thoughts ran through mind. I can't wait to get Caleb back.

I settled for a cream spaghetti mini dress and I put on a white sun hat and black stilettos heels. I applied mild make up on my face. For some reason, I decided to put on the half heart necklace with Stacy's name on it. I guess its because today is her funeral. I looked at myself in the mirror and satisfied with my looks, I stepped out of the house.

               🌹STACY POV🌹

I step down the car with Cynthia as she held my gown. Didn't I mention I feel nervous all of a sudden? I mean who wouldn't.

"Stacy." The queen gave me a quick hug in smiles.

"Good day mom." Cynthia and I greeted in unison.

"Welcome dear. Caleb is already inside. Just wait for the doors to open." She smiles.

"Where is your father? Don't tell me he's late."

"Over here." Dad says walking to our direction.

"Great you are here. You two should hold hands while you wait for the doors to open."

"Thanks mom for everything." She single handedly planned our wedding and she did a great job.

"You are gonna be my son's wife in minutes while this trouble maker will be next." She says as we laugh.

"Mom I'm not a trouble maker. Stacy too is troubmesome." Cynthia pouts.

"Hey I'm not troublesome." I retort.

"You both are." Dad says chuckling.

"Even you dad?" I pout.

"Two troublesome daughter in laws." She chuckles.

"Enough with the jokes, the doors are about to open."

Two flower girls stood at the front ready to spray flowers on the red carpet for me to step on. I really don't know where the queen got them from.

Cynthia held my long gown from behind while I clung onto my dad's arms waiting for the doors to open.

The doors soon flung open as wedding songs emanated from the church. I smiled nervously as I sighted Caleb from afar.

Slowly and elegantly, I walked down the aisle with dad with the flower girls spraying flowers on the red carpet and my bridesmaid behind me holding my gown. The congregation all stood as we walked down the aisle.

They were a lot of securities and high class people at the church.

Caleb was in a black tuxedo suit and his eyes were on me as I walked down the aisle. His smiles kinda of made me a bit nervous.

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